Drive Down Memory Lane.

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The last thing Cat wanted was to sit on a bus full of her former classmates. Sunglasses and the old leather jacket on, she leaned against the fancy transportation and waited, when the teenagers rounded the corner and spotted their new ride, Cat smiled and opened her arms in a welcoming gesture.

"You guys didn't think I forgot about you, did you?" She asked them. "I had to crash one last school trip before parting ways!"

"C.C?!" Betty exclaimed. "Oh my God! I almost didn't recognize you!"

"She looks the same to me," Flash commented. "Hi, babe-"

"Don't even think about it," Cat said harshly.

"C.C. you didn't have to!" Mr. Harrington beamed. "This is so generous!"

"Just giving back to the school that I loved dearly," she retorted with a sweet smile.

MJ walked past her. "That's what every rich person says, but they're always up to something. "

Cat was expecting MJ to be mad at her, the girl had called after Pietro's death once, it was the only time she'd decided to answer, and the last. Peter had told her it'd been the heart condition they'd made up, it was close to blasphemous to claim Pietro had died in such a helpless way.

Ned and Peter approached when the others had already entered the bus, Peter was upset.


"C.C.," she reminded him tensely, "but just for a few days."

Ned gave her a short, somewhat sympathetic smile as he got on the bus, he even patted her shoulder. Peter opened his mouth to complain but she didn't give him the chance.

"I was forced into this as much as you, don't start."

He handed his suitcase to the agent that was accompanying her. "What's the story you'll tell our friends?"

"The story I'll tell your friends," she replied, "it's simple: I found out you were having a terrible trip and I decided to help. C.C. Stark's been out of the country studying abroad."

"What's she studying?"

"Business management," she responded, "she's thinking about working on Stark Industries, after all."

"They really thought about everything, huh?" Peter looked around with curious eyes.

"I had plenty of time to think about C.C.'s life if the blip hadn't occurred..." her voice sounded a bit shy. "Five years."

Peter glanced at her, Cat hadn't shown the slightest hint of missing her old life until then, and the boy wondered if she was only keeping her act together for the sake of her reputation.


Ten minutes into the trip someone sat next to her.

Copycat stared at MJ and waited for the girl to start talking, if she were the one to start the conversation she'd end up saying the wrong thing, but her old friend wasn't trying to speak, she wanted to fight.

"You shouldn't have come."

Cat looked out the window with a disgruntled expression. "Jeez, I'm glad to hear I've been missed..."

"You've been missed, that's the problem," MJ told her gravely, "Peter was miserable after you guys broke up. He left half of his extracurriculars again, he had these huge dark circles under his eyes-"

"If you're here to try and convince me to take him back-"

"I think you did the right thing."

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now