Cat's Birthday.

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"Well, I have some good news, Peter. I don't believe any of the charges against you are gonna stick."

"Wait, seriously?"

"I knew it!" May replied happily. 

"Oh my God, Mr. Murdock, thank you..." the boy sighed, "that's amazing."

"You're welcome," Matthew said.

"Well done, handsome," Cat said from the kitchen. She didn't speak loudly.

"However, Mr. Hogan," Matthew didn't say anything to her, though she could've sworn she saw him smile. "The Feds are actively investigating that missing technology. I understand your loyalty to Mr. Stark and his legacy, but if you were involved, I advice securing a lawyer."

Cat walked out of the kitchen. "Why are they investigating Happy and not Copycat?"

"C." Peter warned her anxiously.

"I'm just asking!"

"I need a lawyer?" Happy asked. "I thought he was— you said there's no charge— I could say that I— uh— under the advisement of counsel I refuse to answer the question— respectfully— because the answer can incriminate me—" Happy kept going until May calmed him down. 

"Let's hear what he has to say. Matt?"

"You're gonna need a really good lawyer," he turned to the boy. "Peter you may have dodged your legal troubles but things will get much worse. There is still the court of public opinion."

Something went through a window almost hitting Peter in the face, Matthew caught it with his bare hand, and he handed the brick to Peter, who looked at him with amazement. "How did you just do that?"

"I'm a really good lawyer," he answered with a vague smile.

Cat walked back to the bar, she stood there with both palms on top of the counter.

"We're gonna need a safer place to live," May stated.

"Happy can take you in, that place is a fortress. Won't you, Happy?" She suggested.

"I— yeah, of course! You can move in whenever."

"Thanks, Happy," Peter replied. "C, are you okay?"

She turned and smiled at him. "I'll go back to my place if that's okay with you?"

"Yes, obviously," Peter got up. "I'll walk you downstairs—"

"Wait! Let me pack you dinner, you didn't eat anything today, don't think I didn't notice!" May got up as well and went to her kitchen. 

"May, c'mon, I can cook my own meals..." Cat began.

"I'm sure you can, I'm not so sure you will," the woman said knowingly.

"I should get going as well..." Matthew grabbed his things.

"I'll give you a ride—"

"That won't be necessary Mr. Hogan. Miss Stark's offered to give me a ride."

She almost spilled her soda on the carpet. Cat blinked away the tears from having gas up her nose. "Sure..."

Peter gave her a look, he leaned forward. "Hey, can I ask you something?" She could take a pretty good guess as to what it was. "You said you were going out with a guy named—"

Cat covered his mouth, she dragged him away and didn't stop until they reached his room —her old room— and closed the door behind them with a kick. "Don't tell the others I'm dating Matthew!" She said.

"Why did you do that?!" He massaged his jaw. "Jesus, you're strong!"

"Sorry," she was blushing. "We're not dating, I just went out for drinks once —and we never talk about it!"

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora