[Four] Where it all began

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[This is a flashback chapter btw :P I really like the iOS update but I missed the 2013 design. Its the best I swear!] [Cut me some slack I'm not British but please don't mislabel me for a half-whateverenglishspeakingcountry because I speak English more often ;o;]


You were crying because someone stole your pencil. You didn't know who stole your pencil so you just went on with crying. That pencil was your favourite pencil. Your ginger-haired British classmate found you crying so she approached you "Hey (Y/N)! What's wrong?" She asked, her northern accent blending perfectly with her voice "Someone stole my pencil..." Her face looked like she was about to kill someone despite that she's only 7 "Whoever stole your pencil, I hope karma gets them!" She growled, glaring at everyone in the room. A curly-haired brunette joins you two "Oh Jade you look like you're about to kill someone. What happened?"

"Someone stole this poor girl's pencil! Teacher says they'll go to hell right?" The brunette kid nodded. You don't know anyone in this school other than the two kids in front of you. You were a new student and this happened to be your second day "Don't worry (Y/N)! We'll tell Ms. Apple!"

Suddenly a scawny Asian kid ran to your side panting. He was holding your favourite pencil "I saw them get your pencil so I kind of rescued it. Here take it!" He handed it to you. You were amazed that someone you don't know found your pencil and gave it back to you "By the way I'm Steven. You?""(Y/N)... I'm new here..." You shyly answered, shaking his hand. Jade and brunette are giggling "(Y/N) and Steven sitting on the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" they singsonged, giggling when they finished "Shut up you two (Y/N) is just a friend!"

You two didn't know what will happen in the future

Middle School

You and Dan are waiting for Jade to come out from her advanced maths "Um Dan? I noticed something but why are you two studying here in America?" He shrugged and pointed at the door, referring to her "Jadelyn's family is wealthy. I'm just a middle-class boy but I grew up with her in Workingham so there. Her parents sent us here. We haven't returned to England eversince" "DANYUL I'M HERE!" A high-pitched voice shouted behind us. He groaned and hit his head on the wall "Not another fangirl" he muttered, making you giggle and shove him. Dan just glares at you and scowls

Twenty minutes later, the students began pouring out of the room "JAY!" You and Dan shouted in sync, making her turn her head to your direction. You both noticed she seemed sad. Or maybe she's always sad "Aw Jay what's wrong?" You asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She swats it away and glares at you "Wrong? What's wrong?! Everything! My parents sent me away because they don't like me! And I'm pissed at people calling me a Chinese nerd when in reality I'm half for fuck's sake they need to chill!" She snapped. You two were taken aback. She's usually calm and Dan is the panicky one. But today, tables have turned and its now an angry Jade. Also, you didn't know Jade is just the short for Jadelyn "Calm down Jade. Maybe food will make you better"

Food indeed made her better


*tralala I got too lazy to write the highschool memories lalalalalala -hands you a poptart then flies off-*

Highschool was one of the worst and best years in your life

Senior High was your worst year because this would be your last year together with Jade and Dan. They were both going back to England to take the sixth form and head straight to the college ("We're both taking law!" Dan excitedly announced, making you choke on your poptart)

It was your best year because you dated someone you never thought you'll never date

He was the kid who rescued your pencil. It turns out he's actually shy at first but all it took him was a tiger lily. It wasn't as romantic as expected but for you, its enough (Because you're one sappy meme loving fuck)

But that romance was short-lived. It ended two weeks after your graduation. It prompted you to move to the west, away from everything you once knew to start a new life

(Present Day)

You regret that decision because you're a fucking dork you dweeb

I know you love me anyway <3 Also, wow guys you're still reading this oh my gosh I feel so happy knowing that some of you stuck around just to read this <3 Oh my gosh thanks for the support <3 Its nice to know this book is a year old and still growing. Remember that time I freaked out after reaching 100 reads in a week? Good times mate. Good times...

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