What the heck are feels?! ~Baki

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What are those things really?! Oh well... They're watching me :3 It says... um... Seto? (Y/N)? Can you please get on stage? ~Baki

Yoshi! ~Seto


-Third Person-

Seto was fumbling his pockets for something. Seeing it was there, he grinned and saw the love of his life approach the table "Hey (Y/N)!" He greeted her "Hello Seto" She gave him a quick peck on the cheek "Wow... that rhymes" (Y/N) giggled. The waitress came and asked them for their orders "I'd like some (place what you want to eat here)" "I'd just take what the lady takes" She blushed furiously and the waitress smiled "Coming right up Sets!"

I forgot to mention that this restaurant was your favorite spot. And the same waitresses was serving your food for over 2 years

They both talked about sweet nothings, Mine craft and the fact that Tyler loves Kyle (Check his twitter :3 Its just a prank but I ship those two like FedEx xD)

They were aruguing over which ice cream flavor is the best when their food arrived "Enjoy! Oh I forgot, happy third anniversary to you two!" "Thanks a lot Marley!" "No problem"

"Seto?! Why did the lights go out?!" "You'll see" He led her to a open space with bright stars twinkling above them. They seem to shine brighter when they arrived "Take it off (Y/N)" She took it off and gasped at the sight

"(Y/F/N), we have only known each other for 3 years yet I feel like I can love you forever. Will you be my Mrs.-"

bang! bang! bang!

Seto just stayed him his position, horrified to see his future fiancee fall into the ground "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Don't go yet please..." (Y/N) just beckoned him closer "Yes, I will marry you"

"The light... Its so beautiful... Someone is guiding me there... I don't want to leave yet..." Her body grew cold and became limp "Goodbye y bride" He whispered into her ear before closing her eyes, the one he loved so much

I think the moon and the stars wept while the heavens above looked down upon the two

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