Maniacal Animator

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He was stressed out

He had a job to manage and grades to maintain

His subscribers used to be understanding

But the longer he was gone, the angrier and more demanding they have become

It was really hard to keep up

He used to animate 8-10 hours a day

But with school, it was cut short to 4 hours a day

You think he still can keep his sanity

You think so?

After a viewer demanded for more, he finally snapped

Steven was still the same Slamacow his fans knew and loved?

Not anymore

Go to room 105

You will see a man angrily kicking the table

His once neat hair was floppy and tousled

He didn't look like a madman yet he was one

Why did he end up like this?

His last animation was 666

And he, SlamacowCreations, has gone mad after that

Be careful though

He's like a weeping angel

If you look away, your life is over

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