Ze transistion

224 3 0

Me: I reached 125 read! I reached-

Seto and Bodil: Shut up! We're recording!

Adi: Really?! Do they have to?!

Me: Man... I feel so stupid right now :3

Adi: How was your Valentines there?

Me: Forced alone duh... Spent nearly the whole day writing essays and updating this book :3

Adi: Oh...

Me: I still feel awkward though :3

Adi: Poor you.

Me: Nope, poor them

Adi: Why?

Me: *points to Seto and Martin recording* This

Adi: Oh I ger it ^_^


As of writing, I think it might be more than that right now :3 I wuv you guys ^-^

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