Happy Birthday Bonks =^_^=

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Its Bonk's birthday today :D I asked if she wanted a oneshot instead. She told me its fine. Oh my Notch...

Bonks, if you're reading this, I hope you like it ^_^ And I made a mad one about you too xD Whoops too much Corpse Party...

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Bonks lay there in the bed, staring at the pitch black sky giving way to the light. Of course people knew how much she hated the light. But today is different. She's going outside for once "BONKS! COME DOWN HERE! YOU HAVE GUESTS!" Guests? On her birthday? Right! Today is her birthday! "Hurry up! You have two good looking guests!" 'Inge and James came for a visit?' She thought, curious how did they find her residence "I'm coming!"(Sorry Weedlion and BlueMonkey... My brain is half-dead and I have school tomorrow)

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIEN BUTT!" They shouted in unision "Wow... Thanks! How did you get here?" She asked, curious as hell. The boys looked at each other and smirked "You'll find out soon. In the meantime... follow us!" "Hold on I gotta change!" Bonks was about to run back in when Inge stopped her "No need to! Just follow us!"

"Hey who turned off the lights?!" She demanded "Sorry! Ruins the surprise!" "HMPH!"

What seemed like an endless walking, tripping here and there. She nearly fell fla in her face but luckily, James caught her just in time "Klutz!" "BRITISH!" (No offense)

(Some more walking, Bonks tripping, Inge and James playing knights in shining shirts and Bonks cursing each time she trips)

"ARE WE THERE YET?!" She complained, her patience wearing off "Three more... two more... OKAY! Take it off Bonkie!" She took off her blindfold and gasped. All her friends are there "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONKS!"

It didn't end well. It was James' turn to be a klutz and made the birthday girl fall face first into the grass. Oops

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