Double wtf?!

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Bodil: I think we're all in trouble

Simon: Blame wrong page on that. At least it wasn't going here

Baki: Yeah...

Seto: I think there are too many guys here

Bodil: Lol, wait a sec

Double: Hello again

Seto: Why Double why?!

Double: I dunno... I'm not supposed to be here...

Seto: And?

Double: I'm supposed to be somewhere else

Bodil: What brings you here Triple

Seto: Got it! Now I know why they're aruging!

Double: Blame Bodil on that

Bodil: What did I just do?!

Seto: You called Double Triple. Adi called someone... Uh...

Simon: Nevermind that

Double: I guess we'll need some Asians for this time only...

Seto: I know what you're thinking!

Arliza: The heck I'm doing here?!

Seto: Um... Arliza? Am I correct?

Arliza: In fact yes. Do you need more Asians?

Seto: Yes please

Arliza: Alright. Another non-Minecraft Wattpader. Sorry dude but we have to

Becca: I don't know you guys! (Sowwy sis... I'm bored and its 4 am as of typing)

Arliza: Chill... I don't know them either

Becca: Phew! At least I'm not being kidnapped

Seto: So I am seto-freaking-sorcerer and I'm the one your friend talks about a lot

Becca: Oh...

Seto: And also, we have some questions

Becca: Fire away!

Seto: What does she hate?

Becca: (Becca! I forbid you to tell anyone xD)

Seto: ...

Simon: Weird...

Arliza: At least its enough to scare her xD

This chapter is dedicated to my irl bestfriend, lunch stealer (jk xD), fellow Wattpader and an awesome person @ms_Snazzy_pants. Now Becca please... I'm bored and can't sleep okay? Mkhaybye! If anything is crappy here, please blame me for being up until 5 am I think?

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