Slamacow x Reader/Author

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Yay! We hit 500 reads, 7 votes and 5 comments :D Spam the author with your love <3 She's feeling down right now. You all deserve a 500 reads shpecial. Here we go!

Btw, I think this is the first time we tried using author and reader. You can choose either reader or author. Personally, I choose author because its fun to see her reaction xD


-*(Y/N) / Channy*- (She let me use her name... For once xD)

What is it like to meet your idol?

Especially if he's a talented animator

And good looking too!

In my case, its like heaven opened its doors


What is it like to meet her?

A fan among fans

Unusually shy

Yet deep inside

She's every guy's dream girl

-*(Y/N) / Channy*-

I recalled when I first saw him

I almost heard the angels singing

Cupid being trigger happy

Everything seemed so perfect

Sans the violin because I broke it


When I first lay my eyes on her,

Cupid shot too many arrows

She was beautiful

Everything seemed like it was slow motion

I couldnt help that feeling

-*(Y/N) / Channy*-

Does he like me?

Whenever I look at him, he turns away blushing

If I talk to him, he just stammers like mad

Too many exchange glances

I could feel that love is in the air

But cut down on air fresheners please? Its ruining everything!


I act like an idiot whenever she's around

I often stammer if she talks to me

A blush creeps in her face whenever I smile

Could this be love?


I still remember the day we became together. First came the date. Followed by roses. Hugs and kisses were shared. A single ring came. The church bells and a white dress. Another ring came. Finally our little bundle of joy

Looking back, I'm glad we met each other

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