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                Currently, I'm eating candy that I stole from Rowan's room without him knowing, I found it on the table so I took it, he doesn't mind, I'm sure

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                Currently, I'm eating candy that I stole from Rowan's room without him knowing, I found it on the table so I took it, he doesn't mind, I'm sure.

I'm sitting outside with Bianca who is busy reading a book about the Queen Livyana, everyone else has a meeting that started two hours ago, and they suggested that I join them but I missed Bianca and wanted to spend my time with her instead, plus meetings are boring.

Two guards were watching us from a distance, while we were both busy with something, she reads the book and explain some things about it to me, and I'm eating the candy and listening to her.

I haven't finished Livy's book cause I didn't find time so she is doing it to me, I didn't force her I promise she wants to do that.

They didn't have access to such books before I came here so she is obsessed with visiting and borrowing books from the library.

It's making her happy so I'm happy for her, she told me about Reign's incident three days ago in the library, and I had a huge talk with him about it but he just kissed me and told me to sleep, it made me mad so I took my things and went to William's room, spending the night there.

I tried to ignore him but I couldn't resist how cute his hair is, so I decided to stop him every time he kisses me, plus it was inappropriate cause, my family is here and I feel awkward kissing him knowing that he is in the same place as me.

He is starting to get annoyed and that is the whole point, he deserves it for scaring my friend, she didn't deserve to be treated like that for something she didn't do.

Eliza is up sleeping cause she is tired, she is four months pregnant and found out a long time but didn't want to inform anyone till the whole family is gathered.

I asked her about every detail, and she responded to all of them without complaining, I admit I asked a lot of questions, and I don't know how didn't she get angry with her short temper.

Alexander seems to be so careful with his wife and asks about her constantly every time he is away, I've never seen him this caring before not even with me.

Every time she asks for something before she could finish the sentence, she gets what she asked for, he seems so happy to have a child.

He didn't even spend much time with me because he is taking care of his wife, and he didn't give me the attention I'm used to receiving,  I know I sound selfish but I want to at least spend time with my oldest brother, I miss him.

All my other siblings are the same, they still tease me every time they get the chance to, sometimes they made me cry, and it's mean! But that is what living with older brothers feels like.

My father is the best, I spend the last few nights sleeping in my room with him, cause we spend the nights only father and daughter alone, we watch movies and eat snacks till we fall asleep.

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