
516 29 17

Day 833

"God dammit, get me a map."

Julia does as she's told, Y/n sliding down in her chair while Jungkook watches with no single expression on his face. He's not sure which mask to put on now. The sad one, the hopeful one, the neutral one - whatever. No matter what, they'd be fake. So Jungkook opts for a scowl intertwined with some grimaces here and there.

It's been 2 days since Jimin left, and the impact still sits in the back of everyone's minds. Y/n is miserable and barely eating, and she certainly hasn't showered these past 2 days. Jungkook did the operation with Yoongi and Ves yesterday under Y/n's orders. Something about wanting to continue the plan since Jimin would've wanted it. So, Jungkook cut into Ves under Yoongi's orders. Katherine was there too, guiding Jungkook through the whole process. Jungkook wishes he could do a surgery on his own, but it feels impossible to do anything on his own anymore, let alone the thing he's terrified of.

Yoongi is analyzing his findings currently. It's been almost a full 24 hours since the operation, and Ves has a couple scars on his body from it, but nothing that won't eventually heal. He's still young, after all. Hopefully that will factor in. Jungkook still doesn't know how to process Ves being immune. After all the craziness that's happened, it's like the immunity took a backseat compared to the rest. Jimin and Namjoon leaving, Fiona's death, the Howlers having a weakness, Yoongi and Taehyung becoming new members of their little clan. So much has happened, and yet so much hasn't too. It's a weird situation to be in.

Ves hasn't said anything about the operation and/or how he feels about it. Mostly because he's locked in his room with Sky right now, probably speaking with her in a futile attempt to get his mind off his missing father figure. Even Jin's devastated over Jimin's departure. It's an interesting time to be alive. And Jungkook would be lying if he said he doesn't miss Jimin already. The eye smiles and the little moments where they're questioning their sexualities. Jimin was fun. Charismatic. Intelligent. And most importantly, he gave Y/n happiness. Now all Y/n does is frown.

"What do you need the map for?" Jungkook asks, stepping away from the window of Namjoon's office. It was supposed to be Jimin's office, but obviously that's not happening anymore. And of course, Namjoon is gone too. Two leaders, gone just like that. What if that happens to Y/n too? She'll sacrifice herself in a heartbeat for them. Is this their plan? To one by one take their leaders until there's no one left? If that's the plan, the Ranglers are doing well so far.

"I'm gonna find him, Kook," she says, her eyes on the wood in front of her. He comes over and places his hands on the desk, his palms digging into it. "Don't try to stop me."

"Who said anything about stopping you? I know you love him, and I wouldn't want to take that away from you."

She brings her gaze up to him in time for Julia to return, handing the map off to her. She takes it, dismissing Julia, who leaves without complaint. Luckily, she shuts the door behind her. Jungkook remains the same distance away that he was before, only this time, his stare is more intense. Y/n doesn't notice.

Her finger traces down the territory they marked. Yoongi helped mark some of the stuff on the outer parts, near where he lived. Now their map is almost complete. Jungkook places his hand on the map in front of her fingers, and that's what finally makes her peek up at him.

"If you're not stopping me, then why are you here? To help?"

"Well, you're not going to be able to find him alone. We need to do this together, don't you think? Come on, why don't we look over a plan together. There's no way you go to the Ranglers and break Jimin out. That's not happening, so we need a better plan. If we go to their front gates, they'll capture us. Or kill us. One of the two."

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