Chapter 6

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I open my eyes and instantly become aware of the thumping pain in my head. I try sitting up but the room starts spinning like a roulette wheel, so I lie back down again.

This is all Sarah's fault; I was quite happy sticking with my vodka and lemonade but oh no, she had to keep bringing over all those different shots for us to try.

I think it was that minty flavoured one that finally tipped me over the edge. Or it could have been the sambuca.

I glance over at the clock and see that it's 10.30. I never usually sleep in this late.

God, my head hurts! I really should stay away from shots in the future. They are evil! I don't even remember half of last night. I remember dancing with Nadine and vaguely recall vomiting in the club toilets but that's about it. Everything else is pretty much a blank. God, I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing. I'm sure the girls will be only too happy to fill me in if I did.

All I really want to do is go back to sleep but I don't think the incessant banging in my head is going to let me; it's like a tiny crew of workmen are in there.

Maybe some caffeine will cure my hangover. I slowly sit up again and ease myself out of bed. Ok, and if the room would stop spinning any time now, that would be great. Padding wearily into the kitchen I fill the kettle with water and wait for it to boil.

My mobile phone beeps, signalling a text message

It's Nadine - Hey Kimba, how's your head ;-)

I roll my eyes and text her back - It will be fine once the stampede of elephants passes through

The kettle boils and I pour the hot water into my favourite mug. Normally I only have one sugar in my tea but today I add an extra one, hoping it will perk me up a bit.

Ewww, I just remembered that disgusting Sugar Rush drink from last night!

Nadine texts again - Awww, drink plenty of water babe! And take some aspirin for your head xx

I pick up my cup of tea, some chocolate biscuits, a packet of ibuprofen and head back into my bedroom. I'm so glad it's Sunday today.


Monday morning; the hangover is gone and I'm back into work mode.

I've got a busy day ahead; paperwork that needs to be filled in, meetings with social workers, a court hearing this afternoon.

I decide to call by Starbucks for a hot chocolate; if I'm going to get through this mountain of paperwork I'm going to need something to keep me going. I better get Nadine a coffee as well; she hates paperwork just as much as I do.

The queue at Starbucks is ridiculously long and by the time I get out of there I have to rush down the street to avoid being late.

Nadine is already in our office when I arrive, which is a very unusual sight. She's never early, and it's very rare for her to arrive on time.

"Hi" she greets me

"Morning" I answer, passing her a cup of coffee

She takes a long, slow sip of the beverage and sighs, "ahh, thanks that was just what I needed."

"Are you ok?" I ask, still puzzled by her out of character display of punctuality

"Fine" she shrugs, looking down to her desk

Something is definitely up. I go over and perch on the edge of her desk, "Nadine?"

"What, can't a girl be early for once?" she says defensively

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