Chapter 15

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"Come on in" Unlocking my front door, I glance over my shoulder and gesture for Cheryl to follow me inside.

Cheryl steps hesitantly over the threshold and looks around the hallway, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of my modest flat.

"It's ok" I tell her, putting her suitcase down on the floor, "Make yourself at home; it's just us."

"Thanks" She gives a small smile and follows me into the kitchen, sitting down at the table while I lean against the counter.

A few minutes of awkward silence pass, Cheryl looking around the room and me silently wondering what on earth I was thinking when I invited her here. I mean, she's a lovely girl and everything but I don't really know her.

I'm not usually so spontaneous but the thought of her having to sleep on that old sofa at the shelter when I have a perfectly good spare bed in the guest room was enough to spur me into making such a rash decision.

But I suppose the company will be nice; having someone around to talk to in the evenings when I come home from work, because as much as I hate to admit it, I do get a bit lonely here on my own sometimes.

"So..." I break the silence and address my new houseguest, "Do you want the grand tour?"

She looks up at me and smiles warmly.

I think I'm going to enjoy having her stay here after all.


"And this is where you'll be staying" I open the door to the guestroom and show Cheryl inside, placing her suitcase next to the large cupboard in the corner.

The room itself is simply decorated; the walls are painted soft pastel shades of lilac and the colour scheme is nicely complimented by solid oak furniture and a large window that overlooks the communal garden area downstairs.

"It's gorgeous" Cheryl says, going over to sit on the double bed and gazing out the window

It got awkward again, and not knowing what to say or do, I decided that she would probably want some time alone to settle in and adjust to being in a strange house.

I made my way over to the door and took hold of the handle ready to close it behind me, "I...uh...I guess I'll leave you to it then. Call me if you need anything ok?"

I'm halfway down the hall when I hear her voice, "Kimberley"

Going back to her room, I poke my head around the door and look at her. She had gotten up from the bed and is standing in the middle of the room. She looks lost.

"Are you ok?" I ask her

She doesn't answer. She just stands there looking at me, her eyes wide, staring into mine. Something must be wrong; maybe she is in pain, maybe she needs to go back to the hospital again. Feeling myself start to panic, I cross the room and take her gently by the shoulders.

"Cheryl, what is it?"

Slowly she wraps her arms around my back and pulls me close to her, hugging me. I breath a sigh of relief when I realise I was over reacting and that she's fine. Well maybe fine isn't the correct word to use, but medically speaking at least.

I hear a quiet sniffle and hug her back, comforting her until she is ready to let go.

"Thank you for letting me stay here" she says after a few minutes, moving out of the embrace

"It's ok" I smile. Crossing the room I pick up her suitcase and set it on the bed, "Come on, I'll help you unpack"


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