Chapter 42

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Hanging up the phone, I stare at it in utter disbelief, not fully taking in what I've just heard. Time seems to stand still as I go over Nadine's words in my head and it's maybe a full five minutes later before I remember that Cheryl is waiting for me upstairs.

For a second I consider not telling her, not tonight anyway. She went to so much effort to make this evening special and I don't want this to ruin it; it isn't fair on her.

None of this is fair.

Grabbing our discarded clothes from the floor, I go around the room carefully blowing out the remaining candles and then climb the stairs to our bedroom. The door is ajar; the only light in the room coming from one of the bedside lamps and Cheryl is sat up in bed waiting.

"There you are" she says as I come into the room, "I was starting to get lonely up here all by myself."

I smile weakly in return and busy myself by throwing our clothes into the laundry basket. When I turn back around, Cheryl has pushed the duvet aside and beckons me over to her with a tilt of the head and a sexy smile.

Granting her request I go over and sit on the edge of the bed, all the while desperately racking my brain for the best way to bring up the subject of Nadine's phone call. But before I have a chance to say anything, Cheryl crawls towards me and starts gently kissing my neck, momentarily distracting me. It's only when she climbs into my lap and I feel myself being eased down into the mattress that I remember the phone conversation; my body instantly tensing up under her.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl asks, pulling back to look at me.

"There's something you should know..." I start, "about why Nadine called."

Cheryl sighs, "Babe, do we have to talk about work now?" losing interest in the conversation, she diverts her attention back to the soft skin of my neck and collarbone.

"It's about Ashley."

The words tumble out in a rush before I can think of a way to break it to her gently and Cheryl freezes, climbing off my lap and standing in front of me.

"What about him?" she asks, and I can already see the worry on her face.

I swallow hard before continuing, knowing that it's going to be difficult for her to hear, "There's been a development with his case. Nadine rang to tell me that his appeal has gone through and he is being released in two days time..."

"Released?" Cheryl gasps, eyes wide in shock, "No, he can't be. He hasn't even served half his sentence yet. Not even half and they're letting him out? How can they do that?"

"Your lawyer is fighting it but it's not looking good" I tell her, deciding that it's best to be completely honest, "Apparently some big football club is interested in signing him and they want him for the start of the season so Ashley's lawyer put in an application for early release due to extenuating circumstances."

"They can't do that" Cheryl says, starting to cry as she paces up and down the room, "Have they forgotten what he did to me?"

At the sight of her tears, I get to my feet and take Cheryl in my arms, "Nadine said they are looking at the possibility of ankle tagging him and the restraining order is still in place so he can't come anywhere near you."

"That never stopped him before" Cheryl says through her tears.

"It's going to be alright" I say, stroking up and down her back in an attempt to soothe her, "I promise, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

I feel Cheryl half-heartedly nod against my shoulder, followed by a yawn.

"Let's go to bed" I suggest, "There's nothing more we can do tonight. I'll call your lawyer first thing in the morning and find out what's going on."

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