Chapter 20

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Cheryl has a nightmare that night, even though I'm in the bed with her, and it takes me a good half an hour to calm her down enough so that she can go back to sleep. She needs all the rest she can get before tomorrow.

Later on in the kitchen she refuses breakfast and chain smokes three cigarettes, one after the other, in the garden before finally coming inside for a cup of tea. Desperate for her to eat something before we leave the house, I take a packet of chocolate biscuits out from the cupboard and offer them to her, hoping to tempt her sweet tooth, but she just pulls a face and tells me she can't face eating anything, not even them.

Cheryl dresses simply for court in a pair of black trousers and white shirt, with a thin grey jumper on top. She pulls her hair back into a tight ponytail and carefully applies water-proof mascara that makes her large, brown eyes look even more striking than usual.

We make anxious small talk in the car but silence overtakes her the second we arrive at the courthouse. She smiles gratefully when I take her hand and together we head inside to meet Nicola.


Cheryl fiddles with her fingers as we wait in the witness room. The court usher told us that the judge will summoned for Cheryl in about five minutes time and her eyes haven't left the clock ever since. Nicola went inside a few minutes ago to save me a seat in the public gallery, in the very front row where I told Cheryl I'd be sitting.

I put a hand on Cheryl's back and she leans into me for comfort, resting her head on my shoulder, "You're going to be ok" I reassure her

She tugs the sleeve of her jumper down further over her plaster cast and sighs heavily, "I'm not so sure anymore"

I really don't know what to say back to that and thankfully I don't have to answer her because it's then that the usher re-enters the room and tells us that they are ready for Cheryl to go in.

Her legs are shaky when she stands up and I slip my hand into hers, guiding her down the corridor towards the court room. The usher pauses outside the doors and I take the opportunity to give Cheryl some last minute words of reassurance.

Stepping in front of her, I take her gently by the shoulders making sure she looks me in the eye, "You just keep your eyes on me in there" I tell her firmly

She nods her understanding and I feel her take in a shaky breath, her body trembling.

"Let's go in" the usher opens the door and beckons for Cheryl to follow him.

I lean forward and give her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I mean it, you don't look anywhere else ok? I'm going to be right there in front of you"

"Ok" she exhales

The usher starts walking into the court room and Cheryl follows alongside him. I linger a few steps behind and despite telling Cheryl not to look anywhere else, I find myself glancing over at the dock, where Ashley Cole is sitting next to a police officer with a smug look on his face.

I can tell just by looking at him that he doesn't think she's going to go through with it. He doesn't think she's strong enough. I look away and quickly take my seat next to Nicola in the front row. Cheryl is sworn in and I see her hand shaking as she reaches out to place her hand on the bible. I hope to God she can do this.

Cheryl sits down and does exactly the same thing as she did yesterday, her eyes drop to the floor. I lean forward in my seat and will her to look up. To look at me.

"Come on Cheryl" I mutter under my breath

Nicola puts a hand on my knee and I rest mine on top of it; my gaze still fixed on Cheryl. Slowly her eyes lift and she finally looks over at me, making me sigh with relief.

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