Chapter 36

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Turning the street corner, I see Cheryl already sat outside the little Italian café we arranged to meet at for lunch, making the most of the midday sun. She looks a lot more relaxed than this morning and is busy scanning the menu while sipping an orange juice.

She stands up and smiles when she sees me coming, putting down the menu and eagerly kissing both my cheeks. The exuberant display of affection makes me laugh and after kissing her back we sit down, Cheryl reaching out her hand across the table for me to hold.

"So, how's your first day going?" I ask.

"Great!" Cheryl says enthusiastically, "The girls in the office are really friendly, this one girl Emma has sort of taken me under her wing and has been showing me the ropes; and my boss, Mr Stevens is lovely. He's about seventy but he's absolutely hilarious, a proper gentleman. He says I remind him of one of his granddaughters."

"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about" I smile, pleased that her new job is going well.

Cheryl rolls her eyes, "It's so annoying when you're right all the time"

"Oh I don't know about that, I happen to quite like being right." I answer playfully, tracing circles on the back of Cheryl's hand with my thumb.

A waitress comes over to take our order and returns shortly after with our food, chicken alfredo for me and a bowl of tagliatelle carbonara for Cheryl, and as our lunch breaks are only an hour long, we quickly tuck into our food.

We make small talk as we eat and I watch as Cheryl carefully twirls her pasta around her fork and blows on it before bringing it to her lips. A stray drop of cream sauce at the corner of her mouth has Cheryl frowning in that adorable way of hers and I smile to myself as she brushes it away with her tongue.

After finishing her food, Cheryl orders a large slice of chocolate cake for dessert and I can't help but wonder how her notorious sweet tooth hasn't caught up with her figure yet. Feeling rather full, I resist the tempting call of the dessert menu and lean forward to rest my arms on the table while Cheryl makes short work of her chocolate treat.

The last bite of the cake is offered to me on a fork and when I part my lips slightly, Cheryl leans forward to pop it in my mouth, lovingly kissing me on the nose afterwards. We pay for our meal and stroll hand in hand down the busy high street, coming to a stop at the street corner where we have to part and go our separate ways back to our respective jobs.

Cheryl's arms encircle my waist, "I wish we didn't have to go back to work now." she quietly confesses.

"I thought you said it was going well?" I ask.

"Oh, it is" Cheryl insists, nodding her head, "Everyone has been so lovely to me."

"Then what is it?"

Cheryl's cheeks colour slightly, clearly embarrassed by what she's about to say and the words are so quite I almost don't hear them, "I miss you"

"You miss me? Babe we've only been apart for like three and a half hours, this is bordering on clingy girlfriend territory." I tease.

Cheryl's cheeks redden further and she swats me on the arm, "I just meant that I'm having such a good day and it feels weird that you're not there with me. Lately whenever I'm happy, it's 'coz of you."

"You're such a softie" I lean in for a goodbye kiss, "I've gotta run but I'll see you tonight ok? I'm making your favourite for dinner."

"Ok, I'll see you tonight then. Bye babe." Cheryl returns the kiss and gives me a smile before crossing the street and heading towards the office building around the corner.

BatteredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora