Chapter 30

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"Tell me again why we're doing this" Nadine says as she helps load several cans of paint into the back of my car.

"Because I want it to be a nice surprise for Cheryl when she comes back" I explain.

"Ok..." Nadine says, "I get why you're doing it, but I still don't understand why I'm here."

I slam the boot closed and turn to face her, "You're here because I've only got two days to get the whole thing done and seeing as you're the only person who knows about me and Cheryl, you're the only one that can help." We get into the car and I start up the engine.

"You know Kimberley, when you called and said let's go shopping, this isn't exactly what I had in mind" Nadine sulks, clipping her seatbelt into place, "I wanted to buy a new pair of shoes this weekend."

"I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of pairs of welly boots back there in the garden centre, babe. Do you want to go back and see if they have your size?" I ask, trying my best to keep a straight face.

Nadine narrows her eyes and gives me a look that lets me know she isn't amused by my attempt at humour, "Keep it up Walsh and you'll be painting those walls by yourself."

I stifle my laughter and we drive along in silence for a few minutes until stopping at a red light, "How about I stop by Starbucks on the way home and treat us both to a latte before we get started?" I suggest, hoping that the lure of caffeine will put her in a better mood.

"It's going to take a little more than a latte to make up for my soon-to-be-ruined manicure" she huffs, looking down at her nails.

The traffic lights turn green and we start to move again, "Will a new pair of shoes do the trick?" I ask.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Nadine smile, "It's a start."


"Do you think she'll like it?" I ask Nadine, putting down the paintbrush and stepping back to admire my handiwork.

Last night after talking to Cheryl on the phone, I'd spontaneously decided to redecorate our bedroom while she is away. Nadine and I spent all afternoon painting and the once cream-coloured walls have now been replaced with a light, minty shade of green.

Nadine tilts her head to the side and purses her lips together in concentration, "Yeah, I think she will. It's a nice colour" she says, "What time is the furniture being delivered tomorrow?"

"Sometime between 8 and 11am" I answer, "I picked an early delivery slot so that I've got plenty of time to put all our things away before Cheryl comes home on Monday."

The lack of storage space in this room has meant that Cheryl's belongings have been left scattered between here and the spare bedroom so I ordered a new set of furniture that will provide both of us with the cupboard space we require; Lord knows we're going to need it if Cheryl has been out clothes shopping again.

"Things must be getting pretty serious between the two of you if you're getting matching furniture and everything" Nadine observes raising an eyebrow, a slight note of playfulness to her voice.

"It's just to give us a bit more space Nadz." I reply.

"Are you sure about that? Getting new cupboards is a pretty big step in a relationship" she continues, openly teasing me now, "and then there's the new bed..."

"Nadine!" I gasp, feeling my cheeks redden, "Nothing like that has happened yet. Cheryl's been through a lot and we're happy just taking things slowly for now. When the time is right and we're both ready, I'm sure we'll..."

My nervous babbling trails off when I notice a mischievous smirk creeping onto Nadine's face and I realise that she was deliberately winding me up just to try and find out whether or not Cheryl and I have slept together. Folding my arms across my chest, I give her a disapproving look.

"Sorry babe" she laughs, "I had to get it out of you somehow"

"You could have just asked me, you know." I frown.

"True," Nadine says, "but that look on your face was priceless."

"Is there anything else you want to know?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow.

Nadine answers my question with a quick shake of her head.

"Come on then" I smile, picking up the paintbrushes and things that need to be cleaned, "let's go and have a cuppa"

Nadine silently follows me out of the room and downstairs, "Kimberley?" she says curiously as we walk into the kitchen.

I turn to look at her, just knowing that she's going to ask me something about Cheryl, "What?"

"Is she a good kisser?"

The smile on my face tells Nadine everything she needs to know.


Rushing into the train station, I look up at the information board; cursing under my breath when I read that Cheryl's train from Newcastle arrived fifteen minutes ago. Despite leaving the house with plenty of time to spare, I'd gotten stuck in a huge traffic jam and now I'm running late to meet her.

"Damn it!" I mumble to myself.

This was not how I wanted our reunion to go. I had the whole thing planned out; all romantic like in the movies. I wanted to be waiting for her at the barriers when her train pulled in, ready to give her the bouquet of flowers I'd brought with me.

But London traffic had scuppered my plans and now I can't even find her. I hang around by the platform for a few minutes, hoping that Cheryl hasn't strayed too far from here and I can spot her in the crowd.

No such luck. The station is packed with people and I can't see her anywhere.

Taking my mobile out of my pocket, I'm just about to call her when a text comes through on my phone.

Cheryl - Are those flowers for me? X

I realise that she must be able to see me and turn my head from left to right, trying to catch sight of her. When she doesn't appear after a few moments, I reply to her text.

Yes, but you weren't supposed to see them yet. Where are you? X

My eyes scan the crowd in anticipation, hoping that she'll step into view.

But she doesn't and instead I receive another text.

Cheryl - Look behind you babe. X

Turning around, I notice a little coffee shop situated opposite the platform and smile to myself; I should have known Cheryl would head for the nearest source of caffeine while she waited for me.

Making my way through the sea of people, I find her sat at one of the little tables outside with a large cup of coffee in front of her. The first thing I notice is that her hair is shorter. Instead of flowing down to the middle of her back it now rests on top of her shoulders, layers and soft curls framing her face.

She stands up when I reach her; smiling as I hand her the bunch of flowers, "Thank you, they're beautiful." she says.

I lean forward to press a quick kiss to the corner of her mouth before moving back to look at her face, "You cut your hair" I smile.

"Do you like it?" she asks shyly, reaching up to play with the ends of her new haircut.

"You look gorgeous" I tell her, fighting the urge to kiss her again when those dimples make an appearance.

Cheryl puts the flowers down on the table and moves in to hug me, wrapping her arms tightly around my back and whispering into my ear, "I really missed you, you know."

"I missed you too babe." I tell her, "Come on, let's go home."

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