Chapter 49

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"Ssshh, it's ok babe" Nadine attempts to console me, rubbing my back soothingly as I cry against her shoulder.

Unable to hold back my emotions after seeing Cheryl again, I'd broken down in tears the minute we arrived back at my house.

"How can it be ok?" I sob pathetically, sitting up and reaching for a tissue to dry my eyes, "She doesn't even love me anymore."

"Don't be silly," Nadine tuts, "of course she still loves you. Nic said she was heartbroken when she turned up there yesterday morning."

"Then why is she being like this?" I cry, "I don't understand."

"I don't know babe" Nadine sighs, "only Cheryl can answer that."

As if on cue, my mobile phone starts ringing. I look over at it and see the words Cheryl calling flash up on the display. I hesitate for a second, debating whether or not to answer the call, and feel Nadine lightly nudge my arm,

"Go on, talk to her" she urges.

I pick up the phone and let my thumb hover over the buttons, still deciding what to do. Nadine smiles encouragingly but as much as I want to talk to Cheryl and sort this whole thing out, I'm terrified about what she might say. Maybe it'll be something I don't want to hear.

Before I can make up my mind however, my decision is quickly made for me when Cheryl ends the call and the phone stops ringing.

Turning to Nadine, I shrug my shoulders dejectedly and put my mobile back down on the table, "It's too late."


"Kimberley, please talk to me babe. I'm sorry xx"

I read the message once and then delete it from my phone, trying to ignore the ache in my chest as I do so. The last three days have been filled with endless texts from Cheryl, all of them telling me how much she loves me and that she wants to talk.

And I've deleted every single one of them.

There have been voicemails too but I can't bring myself to listen to them. I know the sound of her voice would make me fall apart and up until now I've been fooling myself into thinking that I'm holding it together pretty well.

Work has been a big distraction. I've kept myself busy by diving headfirst into my case files and focusing on other people's problems instead of my own and, despite Nadine's daily attempts to persuade me otherwise, I haven't been back to the shelter.

Although I miss Cheryl like crazy, I'm just not ready to face her yet. She really hurt me the other day and I can't help but wonder if there is a deeper meaning behind that kiss with Josh...

Wanting an escape from my thoughts, I take my phone out of my pocket and quickly dial Nadine's number.

She answers on the second ring, "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Nothing" I lie, "I was just wondering if you fancy going out tonight?"

"Where to?" Nadine asks.

"Anywhere that serves alcohol"

Nadine laughs, "I know just the place."


Two hours later I'm sat in a little booth in some trendy London nightclub, wearing my best dress and sipping a brightly coloured cocktail through a straw.

Nadine returns from the bar with another round of drinks and carefully slides a very large glass of vodka and lemonade across the table towards me, "Here, get this down you."

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