Chapter 41

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Sighing in frustration at the long line of traffic in front of me, I take my phone out of my pocket and quickly type out a message to Cheryl.

Really sorry babe but I'm going to be a little late, the roads are a nightmare. Xx

Her reply comes a few minutes later and my car is still in the exact same spot it was half an hour ago.

Ok, I'll see you when you get in. Love you x

Her words bring a smile to my face and I gaze over at the bunch of flowers sitting in the passenger seat. Today is our three month anniversary and instead of going out, we've planned to spend the evening watching old movies and ordering a Chinese takeaway. It might not sound like anything special but after not seeing much of Cheryl all week due to several late nights at the new shelter, all I want to do is cuddle up on the sofa with her.

We'd agreed not to go overboard on presents and exchanged gifts this morning after having breakfast in bed; Cheryl had gotten me a beautiful pair of earrings and I'd bought her a bottle of her favourite perfume. I'd spotted the flowers at a petrol station, while I was filling up the car and was unable to resist buying them for her to make up for not being around much this past week.

Peering out of the window, I check my reflection in the wing mirror and am relieved to see that after a week and a half of healing time, the bruise on my face has almost completely faded. Both of the girls involved in the fight at the shelter have since apologised to me and the girl whose elbow collided with my face even bought me a bunch of flowers because she felt so terrible; although I suspect that Nicola may have been involved in encouraging the thoughtful gesture.

Miraculously, ten minutes later the traffic starts moving at a slow but steady pace and it's not long until I'm pulling into our driveway. With the flowers in my hand, I get out of the car and quickly head inside, eager to see Cheryl.

There's a calm sort of quietness when I enter the house, usually Cheryl has music playing or the TV on but tonight I can't hear anything, "Cheryl?" I call out, draping my jacket over the end of the banister.

No answer.

"Babe?" I try again, thinking that maybe she didn't hear me come in.

I pause at the bottom of the staircase, listening out for any movement upstairs and it's only then that I notice the faint scent of vanilla in the air. Turning around, I notice that it appears to be coming from the living room and move towards the door.

The first thing I see when I step inside is the dozens of tea-light candles that have been dotted around the room. Cutlery and wine glasses have been set out on the dining table and in the middle of the room, wearing a pretty floral dress stands Cheryl, holding three red roses in her hand.

"Hey" she smiles shyly.

"Hey" I respond affectionately, going over and presenting her with the bouquet of flowers I brought home with me.

"Thank you," she says, pressing her nose against the soft petals, "they're gorgeous."

"You're gorgeous." I tell her, smiling when she hands me the roses. Cheryl has always had a sentimental side and I know that the three roses represent our three months together as a couple. Stepping closer to her, I seek out her mouth and we share an unhurried kiss.

"What happened to just ordering a takeaway?" I ask playfully when lips finally break apart and we move back to catch our breaths.

Cheryl gives a slight shrug and looks around the room, "Is it too much?" she asks worriedly.

"No" I answer, reaching out to touch her face, "No, it's perfect. I just meant that you didn't have to go to all this trouble."

"I know, but I wanted to." Cheryl leans in to kiss me again, "I better go put these in some water and check on the food. It should be ready in about fifteen minutes."

"Ok, I'm just going to go and change."

After freshening up and quickly changing from my work clothes into a simple black dress, I head back downstairs to find Cheryl carrying two plates into the living room.

"Just in time" she says, putting the plates down on the table and pulling out my chair for me.

"I feel like I'm on a first date" I laugh, sitting down at the table.

Cheryl uncorks the bottle of red wine and pours some into both our glasses before taking her seat opposite me, "What, can't I spoil my girlfriend every now and then?" she grins, picking up her glass and raising it in the air, "Happy anniversary baby."

Lifting my own glass from the table, I gently clink it against hers, "Happy Anniversary."

We each take a sip of our wine and then tuck into the meal that Cheryl has prepared while telling each other about our respective days at work. After we have finished our food, we move over to the sofa, taking the now half empty bottle of wine with us.

Choosing a movie to watch soon gets forgotten about when Cheryl leans in to kiss me and it isn't long until our wine glasses find their way onto the coffee table and I feel myself being pushed down into the cushions, Cheryl's body quickly covering my own.

Soft, gentle kisses give way to more passionate ones when Cheryl's tongue comes out to demand entrance to my mouth and, granting her access, my hands disappear into her long hair, keeping her close. Cheryl brings one hand up to cup my face while the other slowly glides up my leg, flirting with the hem of my dress as her lips move down to my neck, scattering it with tender kisses.

"I take it we're not watching a film then?" I say, teasing her.

Cheryl responds by nibbling at my earlobe, making me squirm with laughter, "We could...but I can think of something else that I'd much rather do instead."

"And what would that be?" I ask coyly, my hands finding the backs of Cheryl's toned thighs.

"Why don't I show you" she breathes into my ear, leaning in for another steamy kiss, reaching behind me in search of the zip to my dress.

I sit up a little, giving her better access to my back and having successfully located the zip, Cheryl is just about to pull it down when from across the room, the house phone starts ringing.

I pause for a second, glancing over in the direction of the sound, wondering who could be calling this late in the evening.

"Ignore it babe." Cheryl says, dropping another kiss on my lips, "Whoever it is will call back tomorrow if it's important."

Unzipping my dress, Cheryl pulls it off over my head in one swift movement before quickly doing the same with hers, leaving us both in our underwear. The ringing finally stops and we sink back down into the sofa, hands roaming over each other's bodies as we continue to kiss.

However, it would seem that that particular phone call couldn't wait until tomorrow morning because the unexpected sound of Nadine's voice on the answering machine causes me and Cheryl to spring apart in surprise.

"Kimberley, pick up if you're there" she says anxiously "I know you had plans with Cheryl this evening, oh God I hope I'm not interrupting anything, and I'm really sorry to disturb you but you need to hear this..."

"Maybe you should get that." with one last kiss, Cheryl climbs off of me and helps me to my feet, "I'll wait upstairs for you; don't be long." she winks, slapping me lightly on the bum before turning and heading out of the room.

Going over to the phone, I lift the receiver to my ear and answer the call, "This had better be good Nadine."

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