Chapter 53

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Twenty minutes later and all the presents have been opened. Despite Cheryl and I coming to an agreement at the beginning of the month that we wouldn't get carried away when buying each other's Christmas gifts, it is clear to see from the discarded wrapping paper all over the living room floor that neither of us kept to our word, or our budget.

Last weekend Cheryl and I had gone for a walk around the shopping centre and she'd tried on a pair of designer boots in a shoe shop. They looked really good on her but were quickly put back on the shelf when she spotted the hefty price tag that came along with them.

I could tell that she really wanted them though and because Christmas is all about giving, the next day I snuck out of the house and went back to the shop to buy them for her. I had to use one of my credit cards to pay for them but the look on Cheryl's face when she opened them was priceless so it was definitely worth it.

I was also spoiled rotten with gifts this year. Cheryl had bought me a bottle of my favourite perfume and a gorgeous silver bracelet with tiny little heart charms on it. We'd got each other loads of little stocking fillers as well but my favourite present has to be a framed picture of me and Cheryl at Nicola's beach house. Thoughtful little gifts like that always mean so much more to me than expensive things.

While Cheryl is busy gathering up all the scraps of wrapping paper off the floor, I go out to the kitchen to put the turkey in the oven and peel the vegetables. A few minutes later, just as I'm about to start chopping, the house phone rings. Putting the knife down on the worktop, I cross the room to answer it.


"Hi Kimberley" comes Joan's cheerful voice on the other end of the line, "Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas." I reply, "Thank you for the bath set and chocolates you sent me."

"You're welcome, pet." she says, "Is Cheryl about?"

"She's just in the other room. Hang on a second; I'll get her for you."

Holding the phone away from my ear, I cover the mouthpiece with my hand and shout, "Cheryl, your mum's on the phone."

"Coming" she calls back.

Moments later she appears in the kitchen doorway and comes over to take the phone from me; leaning in to give me a quick peck on the lips before lifting the receiver to her ear, "Hi mam, merry Christmas."

I carry on preparing the dinner while Cheryl chats to her mum, telling her about the presents she got and our plans for the rest of the holiday. When the conversation ends Cheryl puts the phone down and comes over to the counter where I'm stood peeling potatoes.

"Do you want a hand with that?" she asks.

"No thanks." I smile "I'm nearly done anyway."

"Alright" Cheryl shrugs, "If you're sure."

Reaching up into one of the cupboards, she takes out a jar of chocolate spread and jumps up onto the countertop.

"What are you doing with that?" I ask, watching closely as she unscrews the lid.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Cheryl smirks, dipping a finger into the jar then bringing it to her lips and licking the chocolate off.

"Spoiling your appetite" I say, playfully narrowing my eyes at her before turning my attention back to the vegetables, "How's your mum?" I ask, "Is she having Garry and his girlfriend over for Christmas dinner?"

"Yeah" Cheryl says in between mouthfuls of chocolate, "She kept dropping hints that maybe next Christmas we'll all be able to spend it together, you know, like a proper family."

She looks over at me, waiting for my reaction and I smile back at her, "I'd like that."


"Cheryl, will you just pick one?" I groan impatiently, wishing that she'd hurry up and make up her mind already.

"But I can't decide" she whines, "They both look really good."

We'd both finished work early this afternoon and had arranged to meet up at the local Blockbuster to rent a movie to watch after dinner but at this rate it looks highly unlikely that we will get around to it because Cheryl is taking forever to choose.

"Which would you rather watch?" she asks, holding up the two films she has narrowed it down to.

I study the cases for a few seconds, "The horror looks good."

"Oh, but this comedy is supposed to be really funny." Cheryl says, clutching the other film to her chest and pouting.

"So get the comedy then babe." I tell her.

Leaving Cheryl to decide which movie to get, I wander into the next aisle; browsing along the shelves until I reach the musicals section, searching for one that I haven't seen yet.

"Some things never change." a voice behind me chuckles.

Startled, I turn around to find Justin stood smiling back at me.

"Still obsessed with musicals, I see." he laughs, looking down at the film in my hand.

When I don't reply, his smile falters, "Look, I didn't come over to start an argument." he says, backing off a little, "I just wanted to apologise for what happened that day at the fair. I never should have said those things to you."

"You're right." I tell him, putting the movie back on the shelf before turning to face him again, "You shouldn't have, but I appreciate the apology"

A look of genuine relief washes over Justin's face and he smiles again, "So, how've you been?" he asks, "How's Cheryl?"

"She's good" I reply, glancing across the shop to where Cheryl is stood, still deciding which movie to rent, "We're both really good actually. How about you?"

"Can't complain" he shrugs, following my gaze over to Cheryl, "Anyway, I'd better go. I'm glad I ran into you though Kim. I hated the way we left things."

"Me too"

Despite everything that has happened between us, Justin really is a decent guy and I know for a fact that if it wasn't for him I'd still be trapped in an abusive marriage.

"Take care of yourself" he says, reaching out to lightly touch my arm before turning and heading towards the exit.

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