Chapter 29

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Nadine steps into the room and walks over to the sofa; she sits down next to me but not as close as she was before, "Kimberley?" she says again.

"You're not going to like it" I say, looking down at the floor.

"I knew it!" Nadine stands up and starts pacing up and down the room, "I knew something wasn't right earlier when we were talking about her. I told myself I was being ridiculous, that I was reading too much into it but she isn't just your flatmate, is she Kimberley? Something is going on with the two of you."

Lifting my head up, I meet Nadine's stare and bite down anxiously on my bottom lip before answering her, "Yes, something's going on between us. Cheryl and I are seeing each other."

"Seeing each other?!" Nadine shrieks, "How long has this been going on?"

"Not long" I answer quietly, hoping that she will calm down so that we can talk properly.

"What on earth were you thinking Kimberley?" she throws her hands up in exasperation, "Getting involved with a client...a female client!"

"Is that what's really bothering you? That I'm in a relationship with a woman?" I ask; a little hurt by her choice of words.

Nadine stops pacing and comes to sit next to me again, "No, of course not" she says softly, " I mean, don't get me wrong it's a bit of a shock babe, I never knew you were-"

"I'm not" I interrupt, "at least I don't think I am. Cheryl's the only woman I've ever felt this way about"

Nadine sighs and picks up her wine glass from the coffee table, "Who else knows about this?" she asks after taking a long sip of her drink.

"No-one, we've only been properly together for about a week." I answer, "I know it was unprofessional to get involved with her but you can't help who you fall for and I really like her Nadine."

Nadine falls silent and after topping up her glass with some more wine, she sits back on the sofa; an expectant look on her face.

"What?" I ask, as she continues to look at me with the same expression.

She rolls her eyes and sips at her wine, "Do you remember when you first started going out with Justin?"

"Yeah..." I answer hesitantly, unsure of where this is leading.

"And do you remember how you talked about him constantly for the first, oh I don't know, three months of your relationship?"

I can't help but cringe a little at the memory, "Uh huh"

"Well, I'm waiting for you to tell me all about this new girlfriend of yours." she smiles.

I smile back at her and she opens her arms out for a hug which I gratefully accept, "Does this mean you're ok with it?"

"Honestly?" Nadine asks.

I nod.

"It's going to take a little getting used to but if being with Cheryl is what makes you happy then I'm pleased for you babe." she answers.

"Thank you" I lean in to hug her again, full of relief.


The following day I keep myself busy with housework and do my best not to sit looking at the clock all afternoon, waiting for Cheryl's call. Deciding to take a break from cleaning, I go into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and get some more aspirin for my headache.

Nadine ended up staying pretty late last night and we got through more than a few bottles of wine while I filled her in on everything that's been going on between me and Cheryl for the past month or so.

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