Chapter 39

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Two slices of toast pop up from the toaster and I quickly lift them out, putting them onto a plate and trying not to burn my fingers as I spread butter on them.

"So what do you want to do today then mam?" Cheryl asks, filling the kettle with water and leaning against the counter while she waits for it to boil.

"I don't mind pet" Joan answers, "Are you sure you're up to going out? If you're still poorly we can stay indoors."

"I'm fine mam" Cheryl insists, turning around and busying herself with the teacups so her mother doesn't notice the blush on her cheeks.

This morning we discovered, to my absolute horror, that Joan is a very light sleeper and was woken up by mine and Cheryl's nocturnal activities. When put on the spot and questioned about the noises, Cheryl told her that she was up all night with a stomach ache and luckily Joan seemed to believe her story.

"Why don't we go for a walk around the shopping centre?" I suggest, wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible before I completely lose the ability to look Joan in the eye.

"That sounds like a good idea" Cheryl chips in, catching on to the fact that I'm uncomfortable with the current topic of discussion, "You might find a few bargains mam."

"Ok" Joan says with a shrug, "but only if you're sure you're feeling better."

Cheryl gives the most convincing smile she can manage given the awkwardness we're both feeling, "I'm sure"


"Are you crazy?!" I yelp as Cheryl steps into the shower behind me; the twinkle of mischief in her eyes giving away her intentions in a heartbeat.

"What?" she shrugs, moving further under the jets of water, acting as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Wasn't it enough that your mother overheard us last night?!" I hiss, lowering my voice to a whisper.

"Relax babe. She thinks that I was sick remember?"

"Oh you're sick alright, sick in the head if you think we're going to be doing anything other than washing in this shower."

Cheryl throws her head back and laughs, her hands go for my waist and I use my hand to swat her away, "I mean it; we're not doing this here. Not while your mother is downstairs."

Cheryl raises her eyebrows in surprise and suppresses a grin, her gaze falling to my lips, "You're sexy when you're angry." she says, dark eyes sweeping over my body as she takes a step closer, backing me into the wall.

The cold tiles against my back make me gasp, "What if she hears us?"

"She won't" Cheryl leans into me and lightly nips at my collar bone with her teeth, slowly working her way up my neck.

"That's what you said the last time-" I huff indignantly. My protest is cut short by her lips crashing against mine and pretty soon I forget all about the possibility of our houseguest listening in.


The first thing I do when we arrive home late that afternoon is flop down onto the sofa and kick off my shoes, giving my tired feet some much needed relief.

"I'm just going to pop my bags upstairs and give your brother a quick ring" Joan says.

"Ok mam, say hi to Garry for me."

Cheryl joins me in the living room and sits down beside me, gently lifting my legs up and resting them on her lap, "I don't know where she gets all that energy from; I'm exhausted!"

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