Chapter 46

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The popcorn has been popped. The curtains are drawn. There is a stack of DVD's waiting to be played and I'm sat on the sofa in my favourite pair of pyjamas.

The only thing that's missing is Cheryl.

We've had Movie Night planned for over a week and she promised me that she would be home from work on time tonight. Reaching across the coffee table, I take a handful of popcorn from the bowl and put a few pieces into my mouth, fiddling impatiently with the remote.

Where is she?

She normally calls if she is going to be late and when I spoke to her at lunchtime she told me that her boss was leaving early today, which meant that she would be able to do the same.

Ten minutes later, when there's still no sign of her, I pick up my mobile and dial her number. Maybe there was an accident on the road and she's stuck in traffic or something.

Pressing the phone to my ear, I wait for the call to connect but instead of hearing Cheryl's phone ring, I'm played a recorded message,

The mobile phone you are trying to call is switched off, please try again later.

That's when I begin to panic; Cheryl never turns her phone off and she always texts to let me know if her battery is about to run out because she knows how much I worry. My thoughts immediately turn to Ashley, how can they not in a situation like this, and I hurry into the kitchen to find my phone book, intending to call his probation officer and have him check up on the footballer.

As I'm dialling the number, the front door closes with a bang and I hang up, running through the hallway to find Cheryl halfway up the stairs.

"Where were you?" I ask, quickly checking her over for any signs of injuries, "Are you ok? You're late."

"Sorry" she pauses on the next step but doesn't turn to look at me, "Traffic"

"I tried calling you. I was worried." I tell her, leaning against the banister.

"Battery died" she says with a shrug, carrying on upstairs.

"Well, do you still want to have Movie Night?" I call after her, "We can leave it if you're tired."

"I'm fine." she answers, "Put the film on."


"Popcorn?" I ask, holding out the bowl to Cheryl. She'd been upstairs and changed into her pyjamas but was still in a funny mood when she came back down.

She glances over at me and shakes her head before staring at the TV again, although it's clear she isn't paying attention to the storyline.

And she isn't sitting close to me like she normally does either. Usually when we're on the sofa together she leans up against me with her legs over mine or rests her head in my lap but today there is a pile of cushions between us. I don't understand why she is being so distant.

"Are you mad at me or something?" I ask, moving the cushions out of the way and scooting up next to her.

"Of course not" she answers, eyes still fixed on the TV screen.

"What is it then?" I sigh, "You've barely said two words to me since you came home."

Cheryl turns around to face me, "I know, and I'm sorry babe. Just had a bit of a rough day, that's all."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, putting a sympathetic hand on her knee.

"No" she answers quickly, "no it's ok. I'll be fine."

I look at her, unconvinced, "Are you sure?"

"Positive" she nods, managing a small smile as she leans in for a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around my back.

As I hold her, the unmistakable scent of cigarette smoke fills my nostrils and I pull back to look at her, raising an eyebrow, "Babe, have you been smoking?"

"Erm...yeah..." she says guiltily.

"What happened to quitting? It must have been a really rough day."

"It was" Cheryl answers quietly, moving into me again.

Burying my nose in the crook of her neck, it isn't the smell of smoke that hits me this time; it's men's aftershave.

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