Chapter 13

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"Oh my God!" I gasp, jumping up out of the chair and going over to the side of the bed. She's awake!

"Kimberley?" she mumbles faintly

"Yeah it's me" I take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze, "How are you feeling?"

She looks down at her plaster cast and sighs sadly. Her brown eyes meet mine and she shakes her head, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"It's alright" I tell her, "You don't have to say anything. I'm just glad you're awake" I smile

She smiles back at me and tries to sit up, wincing in pain.

"Do you need a hand?" I ask. She nods her head and I place my hands either side of her hips, "On three ok? One...two...three" I carefully lift her up and help her ease herself into a sitting position.

"Thanks" she says, leaning back into the pillows once she has gotten comfortable. I sit down on the side of her bed and watch as she eyes up my pyjamas and somewhat dishevelled hair, "Did you stay here for the night?" she asks

"No, I just like to wear these out in public" I smile, gesturing my favourite pair of star and moon PJs

That makes her laugh and I think that it's the best sound I've heard in a long time. The dimples make an appearance too.

"I should probably go and get a doctor; I think they'll want to know that you're awake." I move to get up from the bed but Cheryl grabs hold of my hand, keeping me where I am

"No, don't go. Please don't leave me" she grasps my hand tighter and there's a pleading note to her voice, her eyes wide with fear.

"Ok, I'll stay if you want me to" I say reassuringly


"I promise Cheryl. I won't leave you"

This seems to put her at ease a little; she loosens her grip slightly but still keeps a hold of my hand.

For a few minutes we sit in silence.

Cheryl studies the IV in her arm and lightly runs her fingers over the stitches in her forehead, "You must think I'm really stupid" she sighs, fixing her eyes to the floor

"Why would you think that?" I ask, baffled by her comment

"Because I was dumb enough to believe Ashley when he said he just wanted to talk to me." Cheryl lets go of my hand and starts nervously fiddling with her fingers.

I didn't know any details of the attack, I don't think that Nicola does either; All we know is that Cheryl's boss Matthew found her unconscious and badly beaten in the alleyway behind the bar. He called the police and they phoned Nicola from the hospital after getting the shelter's number from Cheryl's mobile phone.

Cheryl looks up at me; she seems like she wants to talk about it but is gauging my reaction first. So I give a small smile and nod my head for her to continue, letting her know its ok.

"He was at that big party I told you about. His friend works for the company that hired the bar; that's why he was there. I didn't notice him at first, but I could sort of feel someone watching me"

I shiver involuntarily at her words, the thought of being watched unsettling me.

"Eventually I spotted him in the crowd. He was looking right at me. I went over to Matthew, told him Ashley was there and that I needed to leave. I was outside waiting for my taxi when I heard him behind me, calling my name. I should have gone back inside where it was safe, I shouldn't have listened to him"

Tears start forming in her eyes and I place a hand on her leg to comfort her as she continues to recount her attack

"But he was being so sweet and he said he only wanted five minutes, just to talk; to apologise. The next thing I knew I was being dragged into the alley, I tried to get away but he was so strong; he twisted my arm and I heard something snap. I almost passed out from the pain and when I dropped to the ground that was when he started hitting and kicking me. I guess that was when I lost consciousness"

I pass Cheryl a tissue from the bedside cupboard and she wipes away the few tears that have fallen down her cheeks.

Amazingly she had remained pretty composed while retelling the events of that night but now I can see she is shaking; her emotions catching up to her.

Moving closer, I open out my arms and she falls willingly into them, holding onto me tightly as she cries.

"I'm so sorry Kimberley" she sobs against my chest

"What?" Gently taking her by the shoulders, I move her back a little so I can look at her, "Why are you apologising? I should be the one saying sorry..." I trail off, feeling myself becoming emotional

"Because" she sniffs, "you've worked so hard to help me and I go and let you down by ending up in here. I was so stupid to have trusted him; I messed up."

"Cheryl, if anyone has messed up here, it's me" the tears were coming now and there's nothing I could do about it, "I should have protected you from him. I promised never to let him hurt you again and look what happened"

For a long moment Cheryl just looks at me, stunned into silence by my tears, "I...I never knew you cared so much" she said softly

"Of course I care" I quickly wipe away my tears with the sleeve of my pyjama top, "I care about you a lot Cheryl" Cringing at my words, I feel my cheeks start to burn with embarrassment and look away from her, down to the floor.

When I eventually work up the courage to look at her again, I'm greeted by her oh-so-endearing dimples and a shy smile.

"You do?" she asks quietly, her smile widening

"Yeah" I smile back, "I do"

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