Chapter 45

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The next morning after packing our suitcases and loading them into the car, we drive back to London and, despite traffic on one of the motorways coming to a standstill for a good thirty five minutes, arrive home in one piece a few hours later.

When we get in, Cheryl takes charge of sorting out the laundry while I head to the supermarket to grab something for dinner; not expecting us to be back home until the end of the week, I'd thrown out most of the food in the fridge before we left.

I'd text Nadine, Sarah and Nicola before we left the cottage to update them on the Ashley situation, so to find the three women sat in my living room when I get back from shopping is a bit of a surprise.

Once the pleasantries are out of the way I go over and sit on the arm of Cheryl's chair, "So, what are you guys doing here?" I ask, "Not that I'm not glad to see you all."

"Well after hearing about Cheryl's good news, we thought a little celebration was in order" Sarah smiles, gesturing to several bottles of wine lined up on the dining table.

Nicola nods her agreement, "We probably should have called first though. I hope we're not intruding on anything." she says, glancing over knowingly at me and Cheryl.

Nadine shoots her a look and discreetly nudges Nicola with her elbow.

Sarah, who has never been one for subtlety, chooses to take a more direct approach, "So then Kimba, is it true what Diney has been telling us about the two of you?"

An exasperated Nadine rolls her eyes skywards and beside me I feel Cheryl's body tense up at the unexpected question. After Nadine found out about our relationship, we'd briefly discussed telling the other two girls but neither of us was expecting to have to do it today.

No time like the present I guess.

"Yeah..." I answer hesitantly, my eyes looking into Cheryl's; carefully studying her expression, "Yeah, it's true. Cheryl and I are together, we have been for a while now and I love her very much."

She breaks out into a smile at my words before turning to face the other girls, biting her lip as we wait for their reactions.

Nadine, who already knew about us, also has a smile on her face and quietly awww's upon hearing me express my love for Cheryl for the first time. Sarah appears to be totally unfazed by the news but the mischievous glint in her eye tells me that she'll probably be pestering the two of us for all the juicy details once she's had a few drinks.

And Nicola, whose reaction I was most fearful of, remains silent; a few unbearably tense seconds passing as she takes the time to process the information she's just been given.

"I can't say I'm surprised" she eventually says, her gaze shifting from me to Cheryl, "and I'm not going to pretend that I'm over the moon about it, but if you're both happy then that's all that matters."

"We are." Cheryl answers, reaching out to take my hand, "Really happy."

"Well I don't know about you, but I'd say that calls for a drink" Sarah loudly announces.


Carrying the two large pizza boxes into the kitchen, I put them down on the counter top and reach up into the cupboard in search of some plates.

"Do you need a hand?" I turn around to find Nadine and Nicola stood in the doorway.

"Sure, why not." I answer, knowing that they haven't really come into the kitchen to help me with the food.

Nadine busies herself with the cutlery drawer while Nicola comes over to where I'm stood and leans against the worktop, silently watching me.

"Don't" I say to her, wanting to put a stop to the inevitable lecture that's about to take place before it starts.

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