Chapter 48

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That night's sleep is just as restless as the previous nights and before I know it, its morning again. Sunlight beams brightly through the curtains and on any other day I would have woken up with a smile on my face.

But not today.

Today it takes all of my willpower just to push back the covers and climb out of the bed. Plodding wearily into the bathroom, I look in the mirror and stare critically at my reflection while brushing my teeth. The dark circles under my eyes are plain to see and I know that no amount of make-up is going to cover them up; not that I can even bring myself to care.

I throw on an old pair of jeans and a jumper before going down to the kitchen and pouring myself a cup of coffee. I don't bother with breakfast; my appetite has all but up and walked out on me anyway.

A car pulls into the driveway and beeps its horn twice; indicating that Nadine is outside. Finishing off the rest of my coffee, I put the empty cup into the sink and go to the front door, picking up my coat on the way out.

Nadine smiles and waves to me from the driver's seat as I make my way over to the car and open the door to get in.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, confused by her unexpected appearance outside my house.

"Just passing by" she answers casually, starting up the car and pulling out onto the main road, "thought you might need a lift to work."

I gaze at her disbelievingly, "You mean you were checking up on me."

"Now where would you get an idea like that?" Nadine takes her eyes off the road for a second, giving me a warm smile before turning serious, "Still no sign of her then?"

I shake my head sadly and look out the window, "No, nothing."

"She'll come back, babe." Nadine says optimistically, "Just you wait and see."


Arriving at the shelter, we get out of the car and walk up the path to the front door. Nadine rings the doorbell and Janine, one of the girls we brought here a few weeks ago, opens it, "Hey guys" she smiles, "Nicola is in the kitchen, go on through."

"Thanks hun" Nadine smiles, stepping into the house. I follow quietly after her, walking through the large open-plan living room to get to the kitchen.

The shelter is pretty full today and the girl's noisy chatter fills the air. Somehow through all the noise, the sound of a familiar laugh reaches my ears, stopping me dead in my tracks.

Nadine turns and gives me a questioning look, "Are you ok?" she asks, following my line of sight across the room, to see what I'm staring at.


She's sat in the far corner of the room, curled up in an armchair and appears to be deep in conversation with one of the other girls. Her body is half facing away from me so she doesn't notice my presence and I take a minute to just watch her, unable to believe that this is where she's been all along.

The sight of her sitting there laughing and joking with the other girls while I've been going out of my mind with worry brings angry tears to my eyes and I quickly turn around to leave. The sudden movement must catch her eye because she's on her feet and following me out the door, calling my name as I make my way towards Nadine's car.

"Kimberley!" her tone takes on a desperate edge when I don't turn around and despite being furious with her, the sound of her in obvious distress tugs at my heartstrings.

I stop walking and attempt to wipe away some of my tears before turning to face Cheryl, who looks away when she sees how upset I am. Nadine and Nicola appear at the front door, concerned looks on both their faces but I gesture for them to go back inside so that Cheryl and I can talk in private.

Nicola immediately disappears back inside the house but Nadine remains on the doorstep, glancing over at me protectively.

"It's ok Nadine," I tell her, "I'll be fine."

"I'll be right inside" she says, throwing Cheryl a look, "You just call if you need me"

Nadine goes back into the house, leaving me and Cheryl stood in the driveway, the cold autumn air blowing around us.

"I got your message" Cheryl says weakly.

I can't help myself and snap back at her, "Would have been nice to get a reply."

"I'm sorry" she mumbles quietly, finally looking up at me, "I know you've probably been worried sick about us."

"I was worried. Why did you leave like that?" I ask her, getting straight to the point. She doesn't respond so I ask again, "Why did you leave me?"

Cheryl sighs and half-heartedly shrugs her shoulders, "I told you why in the note; to give us some time apart. So we can both figure out what we want."

"I don't understand." I tell her, confused by her words, "I already know what I want...I want you. If you'd have bothered to stick around long enough you would have found that out."

"You still want me even after what I did?" Cheryl questions doubtfully, searching my eyes.

"Of course I do, I love you."

Her eyes leave mine and she fixes her stare to the floor. When I realise that she isn't going to say it back, my eyes start to fill with tears again.

"Nadine!" I call out, knowing that she'll be within earshot, "Can we go?"

Moments later Nadine comes outside, car keys already in her hand and walks past Cheryl to open the driver's side door. This seems to jolt Cheryl into action, but it's too late.

"Kimberley, wait" she pleads, reaching out to grab my arm.

I shrug her off and quickly climb into the car, not looking back as Nadine starts up the engine and drives off.

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