Dominos: Chapter I FIRST ARC

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Little edit of October 5th 2022 :)

—ARC ONE: GATHERING—Dominos Chapter One: Upcoming

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oinos Chapter One:

It was the boy's favourite weather, cloudy with a fresh breeze, not too cold or too warm outside, just in between.

He was walking to school wearing blues jeans and a yellow cardigan above his white shirt, his black locks flying in in air because of the wind. Music in his ears, he was humming the lyrics happily like every other day.

Today was a Friday, meaning that the next day would be the weekend finally, the boy already tired of his week of school. Luckily for him though, the end of the semester was coming and then he could have a month of vacation.

Being in college was rather hard for him, not being used to having so much homework to do and that many studies. He would usually just go straight to his taekwondo practice after school, but now he had to study since it was the week of exam the next week.

He arrived at school early as usual, walking in the corridors to his locker as people were still whispering about him.

Every day it was like that; the students would whisper about him, talking about how weak he looked, about how naive he was and stupid. But the black haired wasn't stupid or naive at all, let alone weak, it's just that not many people knew this.

For a weird reason though, no one dared to touch or hurt the boy so many people wanted to bully, but never got the courage to. He was just too much of a mystery to others, that they were a bit scared to talk to him, his attitude changing fast sometimes. One second, he could be intimidating, and the other he had become the complete opposite.

It wasn't easy being the center of attention all the time, it had even come to a point where he hated it. Although, in some way, he thought it was his own fault, even if he hadn't done anything really.

He reached his locker and took out his books for the first period, taking out his phone to look at the time and smiled softly.

As if on cue, a boy with light brown hair ran to him happily, making the black-haired smile to his ears.

"Lix!" The taller hugged him tight, pecking his cheek quickly before asking how he was doing.

"I'm doing great, you? You seem in a good mood today." He pointed out.

"Yeah, I just got my test results!"

"Oh really? Should I dig your grave early so your parents won't have too-

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