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Warnings: angst


Sam was sobbing uncontrollably, his knees pulled close to his chest, and his face buried in them. The tall male shuddered with each breath, tears racing down his cheeks as if they were race cars.

> "I'm sorry, Sam... I thought you knew we weren't together..." Ponk said softly, his eyebrows furrowing with guilt.

Sam had shaken his head, "You shouldn't need to apologize, it's not your fault..."

Ponk frowned as Sam walked away from him, his normally proud figure had shrunken into that of a broken man. <

As Sam inhaled shakily, he tried his best to muffle his choked sobs. He didn't want anyone to know he was hurting, he didn't want anyone to know he was weak.

The once terrifying warden sobbed his heart out, choking on the cries that spilled from his mouth and allowing his tears to fall. His memories swirled with all the good memories of them, of the man that made him feel unkillable.

> "Sam! Take my hand!" Ponk shouted, extending an arm.

Sam gripped his hand, letting out a small yelp of surprise when Ponk yanked him forward, racing off with him in tow.

The smaller male finally stopped at a natural wall of trees, which grew both skyward and earthbound, creating a confusing blockade.

Ponk slipped through the branches and limbs, taking Sam with him, and only stopping when they reached the other side.

Sam gasped in awe, his eyes wide as he took in the scene before him.

A pristine and peaceful little pond sat in the middle of a beautiful clearing surrounded by weeping willows, birch, pines, spruce, and many other pretty trees. A few critters, deer included, grazed on the grass in the clearing, making it seem like it's own little magical world. The clearing was also mostly covered in shade, allowing for a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere to take hold.

"This is amazing..." Sam breathed, utterly awestruck. <

The memories that came back to Sam pained him even more, causing his breathing to pick up faster in pace and begin to make him lightheaded.

The large male began to cry so hard he gagged, as if he were trying to regurgitate the pain and regret he felt. His cries began to rapidly turn into a panic attack, his anxiety spiking with every sharp inhale.

Sam's eyes began to roll back in his head as he started to lose conciousness. Before he passed out, he remembered some of the last words he heard from his everything, his lover;

> "M-My arm! Ahhh!! MY ARM!!!" <

The memory tasted bittersweet as he realized it was one of the last times he had been close to Ponk. His heart ached with longing as he thought of the man who stole his heart, the man he had tortured, the man he took the hand of.

A sickened smile graced Sam's lips before he slumped over backwards, every hint of conciousness leaving him.

♡ AweSamPonk Oneshots [book 2] ♡Where stories live. Discover now