Chapter One

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"Staring out the window won't make time go by quicker." The queen of Arendelle glanced to the left prompted by her husband's good natured quip in regards to her current position. Anna's breath fogged the glass temporarily before resting her forehead against it with a dull thud. Arendelle's atmosphere was what could be described as warm, which may have been due to Juli sun which had just descended behind the mountains.

Fireflies floated along the city avoiding capture from children while adults mingled talking to passerbys they recognized and shopped. Lanterns' rays of light sent a orange haze casted over cobblestone and faces. Despite herself Anna wanted to enjoy the Homely setting which like a picture was quaintly painted in real time before her, if only she could muster away this damn anticipatory feeling that felt as if time couldn't move fast enough. Her nerves relaxed somewhat while Kristoff's hand firmly grasped her shoulder, his long fingers adeptly massaged some tension away, while his other hand rested on Anna's opposite arm giving small circles drawn with his thumb. It was an invitation for Anna to rest her head just below the crook of his chin. She sighed in the position for what felt like the hundredth time in the past few hours. "I wonder what's keeping her." Kristoff shrugged displacing Anna's head momentarily. "Probably being a spirit." His sarcasm conspicuous as it was did not get a rise out of Anna like he intended to in order to distract her. "Still, I mean it's always something you know? Either she's having to reroute migration routes for animals, or she's accosting poachers, or stopping a herd of reindeer from stampeding off a cliff from being spooked by said poachers!" She threw up her hands nearly smacking Kristoff in the chin before breaking away from the embrace sitting on the couch. Her legs crossed one another bouncing. "She does have times to relax and take it easy but when things get busy they get hectic." Kristoff said joining her on the couch. "And that was just last week." At first Anna had assumed two years ago when she ascended to throne and her sister ascended to her. . . nonsecular position that the overly stressed woman would be able to live and frolic with the other spirits pursuing whatever venture she so pleased. While yes she did do those things, Elsa was still Elsa, altruistic and courageous. She lended a hand wherever said hand was needed fiercely protecting the forest and all of its inhabitants no matter how big or small.

Anna grinned in recollection at last year when Elsa spent the summer helping a duckling find his flock. It was comedic seeing the spirit bend down while holding the small animal gently in her cupped hands presenting him to numerous wild hens asking: "Is this her?. . . No? Okay, don't worry we'll find her." Oh how happy Elsa was when the little duck nearly leapt from her arms and swam out onto the pond quacking loudly at a adult hen who guided it to fall in line with his siblings. Her smile was gigantic when she turned to Anna who found the expression utterly contagious.

Even Kristoff began chuckling at the end of the story Anna brought up. He ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair. "She spent. . . The entire summer-" a giggle bubbled from his throat. "-interviewing ducks!" The irony was not lost on Anna. Elsa went from writing tax legislations and charters to interrogating possible parental water fowl. She leaned against him still laughing silently. That was her Elsa and she wouldn't have her any other way.

A shrill scream followed by bellows of fear had Kristoff and Anna upon their feet instantly. They only looked at each for a second before rushing to the window to see people running, some grabbing their children and families ducking into buildings. "What the hel?" Anna breathed. A large object fell in front of them causing her to jump back and yelp. Looking down they saw that it was a piece of the castle's roof laying splintered on the courtyard below. "Go find Olaf and Sven get them inside." She ordered Kristoff who looked hesitant at leaving her. "You stay inside as well." He ordered back with a pointed finger before kissing her head and rushing out the room leaving the door ajar.

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