Chapter Thirteen

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"So what you're saying is; that I may not see the report you're already writing Mr. Scherer, and that I am just to take good faith that you'll present the spirits and their magic in a positive light?" The question's purpose was more so to point out the absurdity of it all than get an actual answer.

Georg Scherer cleared his throat, and sat back more comfortably in his chair, as if preparing to be in the queen's office for a much longer time than anticipated.

"You're Majesty, please understand that the whole parogative of this summit was for me to meet the Fifth Representative and report back to Ruskland what I kno-"

"Sorry may I just need to interrupt you ple- please- for a moment," He paused on courtesy to sheepish yet still fierce when needed ruler. "The whole Point of this summit, is so you can blatantly report back to Ruskland that the spirits including my sister pose no threat to any of our neighbors and well-" she shrugged her shoulders to the side.

"It would be foolish to do that- no offense- without getting some proper insight."

"I plan to, your majesty." Anna cringed slightly, she still never understood why everyone had to put 'Your Majesty' at the end of every sentence.

"I am now just recording my first impressions of Lady Elsa. I can't speak for the other spirits without having had met them... at all." Ideas began formulating in Anna apparent if anyone had ever seen it happen before.

Kelsey took the liberty of pouring her more water and in return received a bright smile. "Thank you!" She grinned back, then took her place beside her apprentice who had a hard time keeping focus on anything for too long. Anna understood, she had the same problem when working at her desk. Always fiddling with some random trinket or other.

She had made it a game with herself whenever Georg Scherer went on a tangent to guess how many seconds Cherry would study something that caught her interests before moving onto the next.

"I know it would be quite...biased to have our input in your reports directly but think for a moment; this could be an opportunity to not just go back and say-" She put on a deeper much more posh voice impersonation. Whether it was to be Georg Scherer or not was lost on the guest. "Oh the spirits are peaceful they won't hurt us' but to educate your nation and education just spreads if you allow it. People tend to fear the unknown, the more they know of the spirits the less fear that can fester in not just the empire of state but your fellow citizens as well." Anna's eyes flicked to Cherry who was now indirectly looking at her in what seemed to be contemplation. This brought a grin to her face. See it's already working.

Georg Scherer took a loud breath and nodded, a good sign hopefully. "I will consider her majesty's indepth words in regards to my report. Forgive me for saying I find it... quite contrasting that you wish to spread your educational gospel of the spirits but prevent me from spreading my own here."

Anna huffed placing the flat of her palms against her desk quick to form a rebuttal. "Mr. Scherer I can understand how you can perceive it that way, but the situations are different. My people know and are aware of your teachings and some even believe it themselves versus Ruskland who know nothing of magic and what it entails."

Anna held up demonstrating hands raising each to represent the different sides. "One is a direct disinterest and the other is a complete lack of knowing. If anyone does wish to know about your religious doctrines they may speak to you about it and you to them, I merely I asked that you do not force it upon people."

He grinned bowing his head to her. "Well met Queen Anna, but I ask you, how can one know what it is they are missing if they do not know of it's existence." That Anna could not form a retort to, so instead she sighed.

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