Chapter Twenty

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Kristoff's face felt numb from the constant rubbing of his hands which smelt of ink. His head ached from dealing with the organization of the tours for Lord Weselton and Mr. Scherer- what a fine bunch they turned out to be. 

Thomas was no different than all the other gregarious dignitaries and royals who came to Arendelle bright eyed and curious, if not a little annoying but he couldn't blame them. Outside of being hyperbolic Arendelle was a magical place, one of the few nations left that openly had magical properties. The Lord as far as he had seen was generally harmless; liked pretty women, drinking, and adventures. 

Scherer... He was another type entirely, tongue as sharp as his wit, bold, presumptuous, really. He made not just other residents and staff of the castle uncomfortable but also Elsa and Anna as well. 

Unlike the rest of the council who still doubted their queen based off her actions six years ago he learned that Anna, when thinking clearly had an impeccable judge of character albeit she did not always trust this intuition and ignored it at times possibly due to doubt she had of herself or the impartial instinct to not assume the worst in people he wasn't sure. 

A knock on the door did not draw his eyes up from the plans he was pouring over, nor did he look to see who entered already knowing based on the strong scent of sandalwood invading his nostrils. 

"Peterssen- didn't we send you away on vacation?" He gave the lord a stern look, the playful haze only shining in his eyes. The man in return mockingly wilted. 

He was of short height, average build, with a roundish nose and symmetrical face many consider welcoming. 

He opened his mouth to speak quickly darting his eyes around the room then spoke in the same eccentric way he always did. 

"Ah yes your majesty-"


"Kristoff- right well- umm I was of course fulfilling my duty to the crown's orders to relax umm- however..." Eyes deliberately trailed up from the desk to Kristoff's face, smiling tight lipped. "I couldn't help but overhear rumors about the capitol being in a bit of trouble, word of an attack um- dragons setting fires to things-" 

The man trailed off when Kristoff pinched the bridge of nose, releasing a deep exhale. Of course rumors were to be spread. It's what people did, one of the traits he found most exhausting about society. 

"How did people react to these rumors? Do you know?" Peterssen thought for a moment deeply, folding his arms and lifting one hand from clutching his elbow he replied. 

"Most seemed dubious at least about the dragon portion, I guess people can only suspend their belief but so far." He said it as if it was a foolish notion and it was, in a world where princesses turned to solid ice and back again, and other royals could shoot ice, and rocks could come alive before your very eyes dragons seemed the most believable on the list. 

Kristoff leaned back and huffed in dry humor. "And you just came running back huh? Couldn't relax even if your life depended on it." The Lord smiled at this.  

His appearance of being a worldly man, with curly brown hair and lucrative ways of living a private unmarried life, had gained him the reputation of a respectable rake but the royal family knew he was anything but, his eyes were warm, deep green, reminding those even during the winter months of the blooming grass hills, and his presentation of himself was that of humility and dignity. Even his wardrobe reflected Kristoff's dark brown trousers, simple green shirt and purple sash at his waist, though Tobias wore a burgundy shirt topped with a black vest, pants akin to Kristoff's and a mustard silken waist sash. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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