Chapter Eighteen

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"I know Anna I'll be safe I promise." It felt like the hundredth time Elsa had to reiterate this for her sister just this morning. She still didn't seem happy with the arrangement but they both knew Elsa couldn't stay in the capitol forever. The evidence was clear in the queen's slumped shoulders and slight pout- she didn't want her sister to leave during such a precarious time- deep down she understood however it was for the best and safest option.

Keep contact every week. That was easy enough.

Check in the investigation every week. More of the same

Lock the doors at night, understandable.

Stay out of trouble. Now that was the difficult part but Elsa still agreed more or less.

Sympathy gripped Elsa's heart, so she hugged Anna for the thirteenth time that morning, even Nokk's impatient neighing and counting of the cobblestone couldn't break the embrace.

They pulled away only enough to face Ryu and Bruni who was perched on the dragon's wrists teaching her the benefits of licking one's eyeball. Kai eyed the pair nonchalantly as Kelsey beamed at his side clearly more enchanted than her supervisor.

Clearing the emotions from her clogged throat she spoke up after whispering a few words to Elsa, the spirit nodded looking characteristically repentant.


The girl abruptly twisted her head almost completely around at them expectantly, Elsa seemed to find this less disconcerting than Anna did. She had seen Ryu do this before the knowledge of her changing magic had been discovered. She had a very flexible spine and neck.

Ryu's tongue hung out in the air drawing away from her eyeball.

"You promise no secrets?" The dragon considered the words before giving her attention back to Bruni with a lazy 'Nah' which sounded more like a yawn than an disagreement.

Elsa chuckled, resting her hand on Anna's shoulder.

"Well at least promise to protect Elsa?"

That had caught her attention though her stare remained on the amphibian who resolutely responded with a nod of his head.

"With my life."

Elsa was certain her gulp could be heard all the way to the kitchens with how abrupt it had been. For some reason she couldn't find it in herself to be left alone with Ryu and desperately searched for some type of buffer.

"Olaf!" The snowman grinned and bounded over to them from Nokk. "Would you like to come and stay with me for a week or two, I could use some help with my garden?" She knew Anna was currently squinting her eyes at her from the side but paid no heed to the stare.

Her attentions were drawn naturally to the snowman who clapped his hands excitedly in agreement. When Elsa straightened she pursed her lips.

"It's ashame to see you depart so soon my lady." A meandering Thomas states. If he felt any trepidation from Elsa's departure he hid it well the only sign being that of his more solemn demeanour.

While Anna wanted to object she couldn't help but feel her attention divided by the confusing conversation happening between Bruni and Ryu.

"-but your tongue is longer than mine so that's probably why." Did she really understand the little lizard?

Elsa plastered a fake smile onto her face. "Well I do have many things to attend to-"

"Perhaps I could visit you at your estate." Now Elsa was floundering upon herself. If anyone knew her well enough they'd know she valued her home immensely, as it was an extension of herself and did not extend invitation to many.

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