Chapter Seven

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"But how do we know it wasn't the dragon residing in the wood!"

"You dare doubt the Fifth Spirit's witness? Her life was threatened!"

"I am merely giving the benefit of the doubt-"

"I'll give you the benefit of doubt before I punch you in the face." Ryder placed a hand on his sister's bicep lowering it down to the table. Honeymaren's face remained deep red, Elsa could have sworn she saw an angry vein hidden beneath the small wisps of hair that hung free from her head.

"Enough. I am just as weary of the dragon's presence as any of you but I will not veto Elsa's testament." Yelana gave the current context of the conversation, a significant look but it was not reciprocated since Elsa was daydreaming out of the window wondering when the meeting would reach some conclusion. She had already reported her story to them and they had already given reports to the damages caused in the village and forest, but it seemed Yelana wouldn't adjourn until everyone had some semblance of peace and security.

It wasn't that she blasé to their concerns, she actually considered them very heavily but the accusing of her dragon had brought on a sense of indifference defense, in addition to a meeting she had in less than hour with Arendelle's Monarch albeit was alot more informal still Anna's time had extreme value and she would not be tardy.

All silenced when she began to speak when she turned her eyes upon them all deliberately.

"The dragon is no threat to village and her safety and health is my imperative. I understand everyone's trepidation at her stay and do not wish to stress you all, I will take full responsibility for all her actions but she was not the one who caused the fires last night I assure you. Honeymaren?"

The woman straightened upon hearing her name giving Elsa her full attention instead of the fools she had been arguing with all morning, nodding with her brows furrowed.

"Any news back from the scouts you sent out last night?"

"Nothing yet but their search remains diligent."

Elsa nodded at her now regarding Yelana who gave an equally respectful stare. "I will try to keep her from the village until everyone has good faith that the attack was not hers." Satisfied Yelana graciously called the meeting to an impasse yield until some results were conclusive.

Elsa was the first out of the temporary council tent and upon Nokk before Honeymaren could run out to stop her.

"Elsa?" That was a call she could not ignore but was surprised to hear nonetheless. How did Yelena make it out before Honeymaren did? How fast did she move to be standing calmly beside Nokk hands folded with nothing out of place not even a breath?

"Yes?" Yelena made certain others were out of earshot before answering. Her tender voice drew up Elsa's brow in shock. "I'm worried about you." It took the younger much longer than she would have liked to recover.

She dismounted Nokk leveling their gazes, she had always been taught it was rude to speak formally with someone atop a horse when you were either below their station or of equals.

"I have some concerns that you are putting the world upon your shoulders again instead of distributing its weight among those who would happily take it, those who care about you." Yelena certainly did not open up like this often. She voiced her concerns yes, but all emotional ties were usually put at the back, stating them as facts rather than the state of her being.

"I'm sorry to cause-" She couldn't even finish the thought in her head before she was interrupted. There was no point in rushing Yelana was clearly in command of the conversation from the moment she said Elsa's name.

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