Chapter Six

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Her arrival did not raise the same trepidation as it once did for the dragon who now merely accepted it As ambiance. What did break her from her napping torpor mid yawn was the brusque tone of voice Elsa took with her declaring that her purportedly protracted fast had come to an end.

Her face was contorted in discernible frustration accumulated by the weeks of denial from the dragon but it did not have the desired effects since the dragon continued studying her, features indecipherable.

As she quickly laid out various, vegetables, and to her visible disgust raw meats and fish the spirit knelt balancing delicately on the balls of her feet. "I don't understand, I've brought you everything I can think of, from desserts, to fruit, rice, wheat..." Running fingers through her hair didn't seem to displace the tresses further than the hike from the stream where she left Nokk due to his distrust for the dragon who also seemed to hold a similar disesteem toward him.

"... I implore you to just eat. You can't just live off of Bruni's snowflakes." As if to emphasize this point the dragon acted on her words sharing Bruni's already placed pile of snow. Watching them with hooded eyelids she rose when dragon took a sniff at the food then turned away quickly. Not swift enough however for Elsa to notice the same fear that entered her eyes when she attempted to touch her.

She stared at the spread. The dragon must have had a bad experience with food in the past, the same or similar type that led to her aversion to touch. Shaking her head Elsa picked up one of the vegetables. Elsa had already seen her try to hunt which was unsuccessful due to the injuries she wasn't allowed to tend to. Now led by desperation, Elsa lifted the vegetable to her mouth, when she was certain she had an audience took a bite while maintaining eye contact.

The dragon's ears twitched back to the front the twice more, placing her tongue back inside her maw, she let out a pitiful mewl.

That was... Something. Elsa just didn't understand what, whether to announce this silently as a victory or loss was undetermined.

Placing the bitten potato back down, she forced herself to swallow the bitter food and backed away slightly, an unnecessary precaution.

It was a victory! The dragon sniffed the root veg before taking it into her mouth chewing deliberately keeping her gaze on Elsa who kept herself from a happy adolescent squeal of delight. Her grin did attempt to reach both ears.

As an urgent afterthought she hurriedly albeit clumsier than she would have liked reached for her notebook, furiously scribbling.

July 12, first food intake: Raw potato. Eaten after example. Herbivore or omnivore. Undecided

The dragon blew white smoke from her nostrils over the other food.

Well if example was the only way to get the dragon to eat then an example Elsa would give.

She hung her head mumbling to herself before creating a knife perhaps more dull than it should have been to cut through the flank of salmon. She grimaced at the idea and promised to kick herself if this didn't work. She had long since discovered that meat had not agreed with her stomach nor tastes and avoided it when possible.

Taking a deep breath she held it as the slimly flesh was pressed between her teeth, lips lifting to avoid touching it as much as possible, she barely chewed before swallowing. It took a very determined amount of willpower to not shudder. An irrational fear that the dragon would surely take this as a sign of something being amiss.

She began swallowing all the saliva in her mouth trying to rid the taste out of it.

The dragon snatched the carved fish away. Elsa's attention was now completely on her as she burned the fish with a small flame cooking it before devouring the salmon with soft appreciative warbles.

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