Chapter Twelve

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A waste of time.

That's how Ryu would describe the domestic drudgery she had been subjected to as a maid. Cleaning things that had already been cleaned, polishing the polished, dusting the dusted. Her mouth remained shut, reminding herself that Elsa's life was at stake and her presence in the castle would be a non negotiable.

The hardest part of her endeavours was the fatigue from being up so late into the day. Her eyelids were heavy--her blinks longer than usual. The surface of her eyes burned as the air touched them.

Every now and then a sigh or yawn would escape at a moment's weakness when a task would require them to stay still for a period of time longer than ten minutes. Luckily Kelsey found it amusing than a lack of enthusiasm she'd have to report to Gerda and Ryu had to admit it--she was really good at burnishing. Her large pink and violet eyes, that Kelsey cross examined every chance she got, had an adept ability at detecting small details of dirt upon surfaces. She still wasn't allowed to lick curiosities they came across.

The most curious part of the castle had to have been its inhabitants, humans had proven to be the most diverse species that Ryu had ever known. The dragon found herself marveling at what was important to them, for example the principles of dinner etiquette. This spoon had to be placed in this position; this knife was meant for this food but not that one. Use this herb as a garnish but it was not meant to be eaten. It was almost overwhelming the marvel that Ryu had for the whole ordeal. Almost...

Servants acted as soldiers walking, not running, but still completing duties with total proficiency and speed.

Spending time in different countries had not prepared her for this spectacle. The event being held was not the pinnacle of sophistication Ryu had ever seen, that title would have to be given to the party hosted in the palace of Versailles celebrating the birthday of Louis Philippe I Ryu had snuck into by the roof.

How wrong she had been that humans valued the excessive and baroque manner. While subjects of the castle seemed to uphold the quintessential it wasn't completely to the point of being labeled ridiculous. She still found herself adrift amongst the organized chaos.

Arendelle's castle had the unique ability to capture familiarity in say, the warm atmosphere, with a splash of a reminding one of the nobility that resided here.

She tucked a curly rogue strand beneath her bonnet once she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of a dinner plater that rested among the other meals on the brown, polished table.

It was incredibly warm in this room despite the large windows overlooking the fjord due to the hot platters. Luckily she didn't swelter easily already used to her high internal temperature.

Meats cooked and seasoned to near perfection, potatoes roasted or mashed, vegetables baked and boiled filled the air with their succulent smells.

But what really drew her in towards the table was the fish dishes' siren call to her nostrils so captivating she hadn't heard the begrudging rebukes that were casted her way by the staff as she wandered into their paths blindsided.

She rested her chin on the table looking up at the intricate silver crocus shaped cloche covering the seafood, she had only ever tasted fish cooked by her own flame. All she'd have to do is lift it slightly, stick a finger in and tast--

"Ay! You've done your job now shoo!" Gasping she jumped away from the table. A whine wanted to be released but she abstained. The man had somehow balanced a large brass pot bigger than his head on one upturned palm. His auburn mustache twitched in annoyance but like the rest of the staff in the castle was surprisingly tolerant.

"You're getting in the way of the rest of dinner attendants, please move."

Sighing and slumping her shoulders Ryu trudged away from the table allowing him to bathe the foods with a brownish broth.

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