Chapter Fourteen

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He saw her.

Many maids and castle staff had vivided for both his sister in law and his wife's attention in some way or another during celebrations such as this but hers--

Hers was not like any he had seen before.

So that was why he leaned against a wall, belly filled with drink, and watched her. Her eyes were too keen and vigilant-- that wouldn't have seemed odd until his followed hers to Elsa who was happily conversing with Olaf and Bruni, playfully to diverse their attentions from the cake that sat on the banquet table.

That wasn't anything a maid who was interested in gossip should have been diligently watching.

She had caught his eye when she deviated from the same line of protocol all castle staff had took during events. Separating herself from the rest even though she was not assigned to the area, the maid was deliberate in her placing which Kristoff had eventually discovered was according to Elsa's.

"All she does is watch her... I don't know if Elsa noticed but if she hasn't we should tell her." Honeymaren nodded at first agreeing to the notion then shook her head, she distinctly remembered Elsa watching the maid as well. Be it if she was suspicious of her or just fascinated as her was yet to be determined. Elsa was always enraptured by anything out of the ordinary as she was herself, and the maid's appearance and behavior had been that. Elsa's usual past time outside of Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf had been having her elbows propped up on the balcony and staring at Cherry down below who was sniffing the flowers showing them to Bruni.

They spoke together outside of the normal amount of time Elsa spent with the other staff including Gerda and Kai.

This all made the maid a suspect. She arrived the day Elsa had brought attention to the assassination. The coincidences were too strong to ignore.

"We can keep an eye on her collectively, I just hope Elsa isn't keeping anything from us." Her eyes flicked to the spirit who was calmly watching her sister animatedly speak to the Halima complaining about her bedtime enforced by Mattias and Gerda with a fond smile. Not wanting to be the fuel to panic Honeymaren also shrugged. "But she could just have a crush on the amazing Fifth Spirit goddess." At this Kristoff chuckled, he wasn't convinced but put on a grin.

It was difficult telling his genuine expressions from false ones since he wasn't very expressive to begin with except when it came to Anna. Once parted the consort followed the maid using many covers; from getting food, to pouring drinks, speaking nothing's to whoever provided the closest and easiest access to the maid.

She couldn't have been onto him and his intentions that type of intuition was crazy yet started feeling less and less impossible as she thwarted him getting lost in the crowd of party goers in the front castle courtyard. Sven too provided some cover inconspicuously menuvering towards Cherry.

He got so desperate that he joined a man leaning against a pillar for a smoke of a musty cigar. Hiding his cough, his vision scanned for her. She was by Elsa. Her eyes lingered too long, and it wouldn't have been alarming had it not happen five times since the party began a half hour ago. Before he could follow towards another diversion Anna grasped his arm.

"This was a pretty amazing idea huh?" She plays off as if their conversation is much more uninhibited than this but he too nods at the spectacle this short planned celebration had been, going along with Anna's aww at the children playing with a ball of snow Elsa made for them. The only ones that had been unable to attend was the earth giants and Ryder perhaps due to keeping Ryu company. He didn't know what it took and wouldn't rebuke the man for upholding such obligations, but knowing Ryder he hoped it didn't end in disaster.

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