thirty five

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a/n: as promised, chapter thirty five! thank you for understanding my struggle, i hate writer's block but i think i have the future chapters figured out now! if there are any typos/mistakes i'll edit them after! i just wanted to publish for you lovely people <3.


Once we finished up eating and talking for hours about every little thought we have in our heads, Calum proceeded to take me to this ballet showing at a theatre which I absolutely loved as well as this little flea market happening on the streets. We spent the day doing all of my favorite hobbies and interests and even things I've mentioned to Calum once and he remembered it all.

It was nearing the evening time and the street lights and buildings were beginning to glow and the weather was cooling down. We drove around the city with the windows down which meant my hair blowing all over the place but I didn't care because in this moment, everything was perfect. Calum had his hand on my thigh as we took the long way home so I could see more around the city.

Once we arrived back into the parking garage, I didn't even have time to take off my seatbelt as Calum ran over to the other side to open my door. He took my hand and we went up the elevator to his apartment. He unlocked the door and had me go first as he slowly opened the door.

The room was completely transformed with rose petals all over the floor and candles around the apartment for a subtle glow. There were balloons and various stuffed animals with "BE MINE?" on their bellies. The television in the living room was set up with a slideshow of different pictures of me, Calum, or us together. There were pictures from every trip or occasion we've had together and even some I've never seen before.

Tears welled up in my eyes when there was a cake set on the coffee table with a message on top and I moved closer to read it. "Aurora, do me the honor of getting to call you my girlfriend?" I held the tears in my eyes so my mascara wouldn't run and when I turned around, Calum was standing there with a large box in his hand. "What are you-"

"It's not an engagement ring I promise," He assured me, judging by the shocked and worried look on my face. I instantly calmed down and let him proceed with this gesture. I was nowhere near ready for engagement or marriage, especially with this talk I still had to have with him.

"Aurora, I don't wanna sound cheesy or anything but meeting you was probably one of the best things that's ever happened to me. It all started with a terrible dad joke that I recognized and I know our past wasn't what you would call 'normal' but I love it anyway. You're so special to me Aurora, we've known each other for nearly a year and time flew since the moment we connected. I'm the luckiest guy in the world and no one can top that. I plan to be here for you until you get tired of me and even then I will still be here.

None of my relationships have ever been like this and I don't ever want to lose you. That's why I've been dying to ask you this question. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend and allowing me to be by your side for as long as the universe lets us?"



My heart was fucking racing. My hands and feet were clammy and I felt lightheaded. Any moment now I would either pass out or throw up from the anxiousness I feel coursing all over my body. In this moment, I was awaiting Aurora's response to the question I've been waiting so long to ask. She stood in awe for a couple of seconds as I opened the velvet box to reveal a gold necklace along with a matching bracelet with a charm that had the letter "C", "T", and "H" on it.

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