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Kenma's POV:

"Ok everyone we have a new student that will be joining us. You can come in now."

There's no way. There's just no way. There is no way that teru fucking shima is standing right in front of me right now. Does god hate me? He must not like me if he keeps pushing problems further into my life.

"I would like you all to meet terushima, he just transferred here from his old school." The profesor says with a smile. Terushima has a bored face as he scans the entire room. His eyes eventually glanced over me and he had to do a double take to realize it's me.

He almost looked as shocked as I did.

"Terushima, it looks like you will be seated next to kenma. Kenma please raise your hand so that Terushima can see who you are." The profesor says.

Great. Just my luck.

I raise my hand, already knowing that terushima knows who I am. He smirks as he walks over to me and takes a seat. Then class resumes.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here terushima." I whisper yell and Terushima just grins at me.

"Yeah yeah I know how you must be feeling right now but it's really not my fault this time." Terushima says and I glare at him. He sighs and continues his explanation.

"I got kicked out of my school." He says and I roll my eyes. This is certainly not the first time it's happened.

"What did you do this time?" I ask and he grunts.

"Let's just say I got into a fight. A pretty bad one. Not like the normal fights I get into." Terushima mumbles and I look over curiously.

"Geez, how bad was it that you got completely kicked out of your school?" I ask and he sighs.

"One of the guys...he's in the hospital right now. I just- I don't know this guy said something to me and I let it go but as I walked away he said something else and that was what triggered me. After I swung on him some of his buddies jumped in. One of 'em even pulled out a knife." Terushima says silently and I stay quiet.

"I thought you had your anger issues under control." I whisper and he sighs.

"I'm trying ok?" Terushima says a bit too loud and the teacher shush's him. I sigh and move my hand to his palm, intertwining our fingers together.

Terushima's always been a trouble maker. Since the day I met him he always tried to start something or was always in the middle of something bad. He liked fighting because it was a way that he could let out all his built up anger out of him. When we started dating I tried helping him by getting him to stop and I even got him to go to a therapist.

He ended up getting prescribed some pills and his anger issues were finally under control. At least I thought they had been under control, until now. I didn't know he started fighting again.

"We need to talk more about this after class ok?" I say and he nods. Eventually the bell rings and everyone rushes to go outside. Next period was 5th and we decided to skip. I led him to the abandoned bathroom.

"So when did you get kicked out?" I ask, sitting down on the sink. He sighs and pulls out an already rolled blunt out of his bag.

I cock an eyebrow at him and he grins.

"Gotta be high to tell this story. Wanna shotgun it?" He asks and I sigh but nod.

He lights it and lets me take the first hit.

"I got kicked out about 3 weeks ago. After getting yelled at by my parents they signed me up for this school. It was basically the only school that would take me and that was in my area. I knew you went to this school but I wasn't expecting to bump into you so soon." He says as I exhale the smoke. I pass him the blunt and he inhales.

"You know this is bad right. I mean kuroo will kill you the second he lays his eyes on you and if you get into another fight you know the school won't take you back." I say and he nods.

"I know I know. Kuroo had hated my guts ever since the beginning though. Even when I didn't do anything he just didn't like me." Terushima says a bit annoyed.

"Yeah that's probably because he liked me at the time." I say and terushima's head snaps over to look at me. I chuckle nervously.

"Kuroo likes you?!" Terushima says.

"Uh yeah, we're actually dating right now...sorry I didn't tell you sooner, we haven't really had the chance to talk." I say hesitantly and I can physically see terushima's eye twitch.

"Well, that's a lot to take in. I should say I'm happy for you but I won't lie kenma. You know I love you, and if your happy then you do you. I know I gotta move on already but you really don't make it easy." Terushima says chuckling at the end. I smile at how sweet he can be sometimes.

"I get where you're coming from terushima. It takes time to get over. I'm glad you care about me so much though. It's really sweet." I say smiling and he smiles. But then he groans and smacks himself in the face.

"Uh terushima?! What was that?" I ask and he puts his hand down from his face, leaving a red spot.

"Nothing it's just- god i'm really such an idiot. I just regret so much. Hurting you, by cheating on you and making you feel insecure. I'm sorry. I know i'm such an asshole and I don't deserve someone like you." He says out of no where and I stare at him in shock.

"You're right you dont. But that doesn't mean you can't learn from your mistakes. When you're ready to be in another relationship, you need to remember not to make those same mistakes again. You can change yuuji." I say and he looks at me in shock.

"Yeah, thank you for having this conversation with me." He says and I smile.

"Oh and there's one more thing you should know..." Terushima says and I cock my eyebrow curiously.

"What is it?"

"I'm not the only new kid around here. There's someone else. And you know him. Just be cautious ok?" Terushima says and my eyes widen.

There's someone else? Shit who is it. Geez luck really isn't on my side today.

Sorry for making you wait so long lovelies. I will never ever stop the cliffhangers in this series >:) Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to eat and drink! Love you all <3


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