~8 Part 3~

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I stay with Nya in the control room as the boys head across the bridge to the Fire Temple.

I need to know when the boys are gonna be out of the way enough for me to not get spotted by them. But I also need to know how the place is set up through the Falcon's cameras so I don't get spotted by Nya either.

Nya turns on the radio and informs the others of what the surveillance is showing, "the volcano seems to be on the verge of the eruption, guys. All the indicators tell me that this place is becoming increasingly fragile. Even the smallest rupture can make the whole thing go off."

Uncle's voice comes back through as he instructs the boys, "then we must not use our weapons."

The camera shows Cole, Zane and Jay holstering their weapons. Kai however keeps his sword in hand.

"Kai." Nya says expectantly

He sighs, "yeah, yeah. No fire sword." He says stashing it, "but only because I wouldn't want anything to prevent us from getting that Fangblade."

"Or my son." Dad's voice comes through

I stop paying attention to what the boys are saying as I look at the footage. The bridge is kinda long, but theres a stone railing on the side that I'm pretty sure will be taller than me. Plus the falcon should be going inside the Temple with the others so there's no one to watch me. It leads to a cave tunnel that's glowing red from the magma at it's end.

All I hear is Sensei saying they have to travel by shadow. It looks like a job for my cloak again.

Nya's too focused on the surveillance to notice me leaving the control room. I quickly grab my cloak from my room, sneak off the ship and onto the bridge. I was right, the railing is taller than me so even if the bird was out here, I doubt he'd see me.

I race down the bridge to the entrance of the tunnel. It's boiling in here and getting hotter but the second.

"Is this place gonna blow up? Was running in here a mistake?... oh well."

I finally see the end of the tunnel. I slow down and creep along the wall and crouch behind a rock when I see the others up ahead. They're all standing on a ledge overlooking what I'm guessing to be the serpentine.

"Out of my way, fool!" A voice yells and echos around the room. It's undoubtedly Pythor.

I glance around the rock to see the boys start climbing down the ledge, closer to the snakes down below. With the ledge open, it's my turn to take their place on the overlook.

There's tons of snakes lower down in the volcano. There's a series of paths above the magma and they were digging around searching for the Fangblade which is the case as Pythor now lifts it up for everyone to see.

I don't care in the slightest though and look around until I finally see my brother. He's still in the same cage from the surveillance we say earlier.

I gasp happily. I can't believe I'm finally seeing him in person. I just need to figure out how to get over to him and bust him out... or maybe one of the ninjas can bust him out of the cage and then we can escape. Sure, I'm gonna be in a ton of trouble for sneaking in here, but who cares when Lloyd's finally here?!

I don't hesitate between seeing my brother and finding a way over to him. I can't climb down the ledge quite yet because the ninja will surely see me and someone will either take me back to the ship or will stay with me the entire time and not let me get to Lloyd at all.

So instead I creep along the ledge, slowly side stepping to get closer to where Lloyd is being held captured. The ledge is incredibly thin, my back is pressed against the wall and I still have to walk somewhat on my toes to not slip over the side.

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