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Now that Lloyd and I are able to both use both our elements and Spinjitzu, our training has become longer, more intense and downright weird when Uncle Wu picks what we're doing.

He's been having us work on our balance which isn't anything new. The ninja had us doing it anyways. It eventually switched to us having to do handstands for as long as we could. Random, but we did it until we could balance without a problem not leaning against the wall.

However, both of us and even the ninja were shocked when we came into the dojo this morning. He instructed us to go into a handstand, then have the ninja stack on top of us while we had to maintain balance the entire time, holding everyone up.

Lloyd and I are quiet after he finishes explaining. We turn and face each other, both making the same unbelieving face.

"What the fuck did he put in his tea this morning?" I ask bewilderedly

"Seriously! Where does he come up with this stuff?!"

"Twins, are you listening?" He asks simply

We face him, "yeah, we're listening." My brother says

"We're wondering why you're so crazy." I deadpan

He chuckles quietly at this. I half expected a wack on the head by his staff, but I'm not complaining.

But crazy or not, Lloyd and I end up following along with his weird lesson plan.

We're side by side in handstands with the others stacked on top of us. Zane is balanced on us somehow, holding up Kai and Jay, then Cole is on top holding up Wu who is casually drinking a cup of tea.

It doesn't take long before Lloyd and I aw struggling to stay balanced.

"Focus." Uncle says, "in order to bear the fate of Ninjago on your shoulders, you must first learn to bear the weight of all of us."

Lloyd's elbows buckles a little bit and everyone sways towards the left. He presses it straight again and we somehow manage not collapse.

"Focus." He says again

"Uh, Sensei," Jay finally says, "I'm starting to think this was a bad idea."

"Yeah, they're just kids." Cole adds with the same unsure voice.

"In order for them to succeed, we must all trust one another." Sensei Wu replies

"You know, I think we would've gotten the concept without this weird ass exercise." I mumble over to Lloyd who laughs.

He cuts it off short when he starts to sway again, "don't make me laugh." He says, voice still amused.

"How can you not laugh at this?" I whisper with a giggle, "look what we're doing!"

Now we're both trying to stop our laughter, causing way too much movement.

"Twins, keep focusing." Kai says, "for our sake at least."

"Actually, more so for your sake. We don't want to crush you." Cole mutters

For some reason, that's what sends us both over the edge and we're both laughing hysterically. However, this isn't what makes us topple over.

Suddenly, something crashes through the dojo window, shattering it and the wall around it as well. We're all thrown across the mat amongst the glass and wood.

"What was that?" Cole wheezes out

We all sit up and see the huge hole in the side of the dojo. A group of construction workers comes up, a huge wrecking ball machine behind them.

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