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You sighed heavily holding the bottom of your face. You were in a squatting position, in the bathroom holding your face. Sweat from your temple to your index finger. Your breathing was heavy but not enough to send you into a coughing fit.

You stared down at the bulge that had formed in your stomach. You sighed heavily trying to steady your breathing. That man was waiting for you, due to him not being requested for missions he took time off to stay home with you. Just about everyone at the demon corporation had heard of your pregnancy.

The same people who had fed you to the monster.

They had the heart to write you a letter.

You exited the bathroom still heaving and feeling quite heavy. You managed to sweat even when it was borderline freezing up in the mountains. You came up to the bedside table where the letter Rengoku had given you resided. You flipped it open to read it over again.

Congratulations Mrs. Rengoku!

We are excited for the newest arrival of the Rengoku household!
Best of wishes~

It was just for laughs, just for the others who put you here could laugh about your misfortune. Members broken, bonds and trusts thrown away all because of one man. Cover ups and shunning their own people away just because of one man.

Rengoku, Kyojuro.

You bitterly ripped up the letter then grudged along to the dining room. In the kitchen was none other then Rengoku. Humming Sanemi's song.

You were too tired to say anything...

Too tired to stop him.

You were defeated.

You deflated like a balloon; resting your head down on the wooden table. The pain in your stomach, living with this monster, your teammates taunting your fate. It was exhausting. "Is there something wrong my dear?"

Then the monster came to bug you.

He placed a large bowl of soup he had made in front of you, dinner for tonight. He took away your right to prepare meals, clean, and wash. The only thing you were allowed to do is grow stale in bed while he took care of your every need. Your eyes glared at him deeply. You hated him deeply. You were seven months pregnant with his seed.

His curse.

"Everything's fine..."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that!"

"Our little heir is coming soon!"

"I can not wait!"

He said with a joyous smile clapping his hands lightly. You stared deeply into the soup below, despite eating for two, you didn't feel a lick of hunger. "Me either..." you whispered playing your part. He smiled leaning into his palm looking at you with loving eyes. "I'm enjoying the time off with you my sweet.... I've already commissioned a woman in the nearby village to make us a crib!"

As he rambled you thought deeply to yourself.

Am I really going to let him win?

"You could teach them how to cook and clean!"

What if I fed myself to dog....

"Then I'll teach our little heir how to fight!"

No... he's around too often.

"Our heir might get lonely..."

How long will this go on.

"We might want to work on getting another on as soon as this one's here!"

It's been too long already.

"We'll grow a big happy family!"

Everyone; everything you touch turns to dust Rengoku Kyojuro.

"We'll grow old together!"

And now here I am, slowly crumbling underneath your thumb.

"We'll be together forever!"

Your head shot up as you stared blankly. You almost slipped into the delusion yourself.

You almost.


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