Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Sunday Dinner

By sunrise the three of them left with Ridge's buckboard packed, and Talia and Roman choose to ride the extra horses they bought. The sun was out bright as they rode that morning in the crisp January air. It was a four-hour ride to the estate. The boys looked forward to surprising their parents and their brothers.

It was noon when they arrived at their home estate. The boys untied the trunks and carried them into the house.

"What a wonderful surprise," said Oxford as he opened the door for the boys. "Hello Mrs. Thanturnum, so nice to see you."

"Hello, Oxford," said Talia. "Where is everyone? It is so quiet."

"You just missed them. They went over to Mr. Polansky's to look at the cabin for Reggie and Miss Charlotte."

The three of them looked at each other with curiosity.

"How long ago did they leave?" asked Roman.

"About a half hour ago," said Oxford, referring to the clock in the foyer.

"Let's ride over there and surprise them."

The three of them left and rode their horses another five miles to the Polansky cabin. When they pulled into the driveway, they saw the large Thanturnum sleigh and knew everyone must be here.

Charlotte's family had toured the cabin and were in the back hallway when Kaiser started barking. Reggie went to check on the dog and looked outside, recognizing Talia and his brothers. He announced the visitors and ran out to the porch to greet them.

"Hello. Come in," said Reggie. "What are you guys doing here?"

There was a rush of questions and greetings as they filled the cabin. Introductions were made, followed by handshakes. Rose was thrilled to see her boys and Talia. She hugged them with tears in her eyes.

Charlotte was taken by surprise. Roman was the most handsome of all the Thanturnum men, and the descriptions of Talia had not done her justice. She was a couple of inches shorter than her husband, and her long auburn hair gave her a glow. She was breathtaking.

Reggie encouraged everyone to sit down for lunch. The women helped Charlotte serve coffee and ladle the soup. They removed towels from the platters, and the guests helped themselves as they sat on the benches of the trestle table. Stories were told, and the pieces were brought together for the travelers.

"The man I met said his name was Baldwin," said Roman.

"Was he tall and thin with a long, dark moustache?" asked Charlotte.

"Yes, he was."

"That was Mr. Armstrong, the senator's aide. Mr. Baldwin was arrested with my father."

Then they explained the duel and the arrest of the two men. Then their mother interrupted to ask how long her sons were staying.

"I was hoping Reggie had that buckboard ready. I want to take back my tool chest, and the team of horses Rupert promised me. By the way, where is Rupert.?"

"He was invited to the Andersons for Sunday dinner."

The brothers started laughing at the idea of Rupert courting a woman.

"Ridge, what are your plans?" asked his father.

"I am home to stay. I broke off the engagement with Josie."

His mother gasped, and his brothers cheered. Ridge explained his reasoning, and many of them understood.

"Well, those are a few things I don't have to worry about with Charlotte," said Reggie. "Charlotte and I are engaged and hope to be married as soon as possible."

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