Daddy's Boss

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Tonight, my father had invited his boss and his daughter to our house for dinner. Just as I finished the salad and sat it on the table., the doorbell rang. "Coming!" On the other side of the door was an extremely attractive man holding an adorable small baby. "Aw! She's so cute!" The baby smiled and blew bubbles at me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me get that for you." I reached for the baby bag but he grasped my hand instead. "I'll take care of this as long as you can hold Amber." "Of course. Follow me." As I lead him to the kitchen, I cooed and tickled the giggling baby. "Do you need a high chair?" "No, but thank you." Amber grasped my fingers and smiled again. "Hello, there. Are you hungry, too? I think we have some peaches is the fridge." Instead, she grasped my shirt. "There is no food for you in here, Amber." While I fake-scolded her, a bottle was held in front of me. Amber latched onto it and my face heated as I felt the heat flush against my back. "Not yet." "Excuse me?" Unfortunately, my dad came down and dinner had to start.
Every so often, I would feel a hand drift up and down my leg. I almost choked on my water when it drifted up to my thigh. "Kay, are you alright?" "Y-yeah. I have to go to the bathroom. Pardon me." Without waiting, I rushed out. "Oh,God! What is wrong with me?! I've barely spoken to him and I already want him to f~ck me!" "Oh, really?" Fuck! When did he come in?! "W-what are you talking about?" " I wasn't. However you were. Something about my c@ck?" "N-no, I wasn't." "Oh?" Mr. Daniels stepped closer closer to me and pulled me toward him. "So, you don't want to have a baby? You don't want someone to completely destroy you, claim you the only way an alpha can, and then love and protect you for the rest over your life? I know when I saw you with Amber and the glow in your eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about you well rounded by me." The powerful look in his eyes made my knees buckle. "Alpha?" "A dominant, love. I prefer to take care rather than being taken care off." "B-but-" "But?" "We can't I'd never get to see you." "Easily fixed. Move in with me. Become Amber's nanny." While I thought it over, he managed to get me onto the counter. "Okay, I'll do it." "Excellent. Naturally, you'll need a new wardrobe." "Why?" "As your dominant, I won't allow other to look at you the way I did. And as soon as I saw that skirt, nothing but naughty thoughts filled my head. "Oh? Like what?" Mr. Daniels wove his hand into my long dark brown curls and tugged my head back. "Like skipping dinner and going directly to dessert." My legs jerked a bit when his hand trailed under my skirt. "Kay, you've been in there for a while. Are you okay?" "Fine, dad. I just need a little while longer." Of course, he walked away. "You'll take care of me, huh? Can we start now?" He chuckled but nodded. "Normally, I would have you beg but since I'm anxious to get my hands on you, I guess I'll agree." His mouth found purchase on my neck and his other hand found my clit. My breathe hitched but I had to be silent. It became harder and harder when he went faster and faster. Tears sprang up as I silently climaxed, a gentle kiss was pressed upon my abused neck before he licked his fingers clean. "Like I said, straight to dessert." Mr. Daniels kissed me and then finally left me in the bathroom to catch my breath.

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