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I was secured in the stirrups by the nurse. As she took care of the information, I messed around on Instagram. "Thank you, Nurse Kristen. That'll be all." Well, he has a nice voice. "So, you're hear for a examination, Mr. Mitchell? May I ask why?" " said that he couldn't find my prostate when we..slept together." "Really? Before anything goes in, as I'm sure you're well aware, I'll have to prepare you first." "Is it going to be cold because I'm extremely sensitive." I heard him suck in a breathe. "I'll try to warm it up first." Something opened and then I felt his hand on my stomach. "I need you to relax, okay?" "D-do you mind if I-I hold your-um-?" "My hand? No, I don't." As his warm fingers laced through mine, all I could think about was Dr.Taylor fingering me while there were people who could walk on at anytime. Is it weird that I got hard? "Mr.Mitchell,-" "Call me Sam. You're gonna have your fingers in me. Might as well." "Sam, I'm going to go really slow and you let me know if anything feels odd. Okay?" "I can do that." His fingertips brushed my hole and then started pushing in. "Either you prepared for this exam or someone prepared you because this little rosebud is actually kinda easy going in." "M-my boyfriend wanted to help me relax." "How big is your boyfriend?" The fingers kept going and it started to feel different. But I liked it. "I-I don't know. Normal? I'm a few inches bigger than him though." "How big are you?" "Six." "Six inches...that'll set him just shy of four. Which would explain why you've gotten tighter." "Is that normal?" "No, Sam. You're normal. He's below average." "How-um-how big are you?" "Roughly nine inches." "Oh, Is there a-AH!" His finger brushed something in me and I bucked up into the air. "Sam, meet your prostate. And yes, there is a difference. If I were inside of you, I would be able to hit your prostate with every pass." "Show me,please. I c-can't think straight with my cock this hard." "W-what about your boyfriend?" "I don't think about him even during sex. Besides, most of the time I take care of myself." I knew when he made his decision because he fingers curved into my prostate. "Aw, poor baby. How often does he leave you to take care of yourself?" "A-a few times a week." I kept wriggling as he put more pressure on my hole. "We should probably get you out of here. Can't have you getting hurt." "I-i don't care! I just want you in me!" "And I will be. I just need you to be comfortable." I was taken out of the stirrups and set on the bed. Immediately, I got on my hands and knees as I reached to prepare myself. But he grabbed my wrist. "I'll do it. I just want you to relax and just feel for a moment. Alright?" Quickly, I nodded. I heard the cap open again and then I felt him explore me fully. I never noticed whimpers falling from my lips until he was shushing me. "Ready?" "Yeah." "I want you to keep your hands flat on the bed, understand?" "Yeah, yeah. Just get in me!" His pants came off and I felt him lift the gown. I heard him suck in a breathe and then I felt him enter me. Slow thrusts at first and then they got quicker and quicker. I jerked with every thrust and tried to keep my sounds to a minimum. "F-€k, you feel so good around me, love. Your little gasps are so adorable. Has your boyfriend ever made you feel like this? Completely submissive and loving it?" "N-no! O-only you." "Only me, huh? I feel like you're lying to me. He's never held you down and taken you?" "No! He's too gentle for me." "I bet. You need a real man, yeah?" I nodded so fast my head felt like it was gonna come off. Doctor Taylor gripped my @ss and continued to plow me. With his warm breathe on my neck, dirty words in my ear, and warm cock stroking my prostate, I came the hardest I've ever cummed before. The edges of my vision blurred a bit. A few thrusts later, I was filled with his warm cum. The sweat made parts of the gown stick to my skin as I tried to catch my breathe. "Everything seems normal but just in case, call me in the morning."

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