Chapter 19

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Sam's POV

A few minutes after Sky, Mars, and Matt went to fix the power, I hear two thuds. "What happened?" Woods asks. "Not sure, I'm gonna check it out." I say, getting up. "I'll come with. Bailey, you coming?" Woods asks. "Sure." Bailey says. We all begin walking to the panel, and we see an unconscious Mars and Matt. There's no sign of Sky. "Mars!" Woods yells, rushing over to see if they're okay. "You help Matt, I'm gonna find Sky and call Alex okay?!" I say, rushing over to Megadesk.
Once Alex picks up, I start speaking frantically into the phone. "Alex, you need to get to the studio right now. Matt and Mars are unconscious, and Sky is nowhere to be found." I say.
"Hold on, I'll be there in a few minutes okay? Stay calm." Alex says. "Okay." I say, hanging up the phone. I head out of Megadesk and begin searching for Sky. "Sky?" I yell, hoping for a response. There was none. I continued doing this for a few minutes, until Alex showed up to the studio.
"Alex, thank god you're here." Woods says. I rush over to the entrance of Blue Base, hugging Alex.

Alex's POV

"What the hell happened here?" I ask. "I don't even know. The power went off, and Sky, Mars, and Matt went to fix it. We found them like this." Woods says. "Were there phantoms?" I ask. "Probably, we didn't see any." Woods replies. "Damn it, why didn't you turn on the RSD?!" I say, furious. "We don't know-" Woods says, but doesn't finish. I push past him, and run up the stairs to turn on the RSD. I unlock the vault, and quickly turn on the RSD. Woods followed me up the stairs. "How far are they?" He asks. "Not too far away, we might be able to catch up with 'em." I reply. "Wait, what's that dot at our studio?" Woods asks. "That's probably just serum." I say, rushing down the stairs. Woods follows.
"Woods, toss me your keys!" I yell. He nods, and throws them. My vision begins to turn red again. "Damn it, it's not your time right now." I mutter to myself while unlocking the car. "Huh?" Woods asks. "Oh, nothing." I reply. I begin driving, in hopes to catch up with the phantom.
"Hey can I see your phone for the photo of the RSD?" Woods asks. "Sure, take it." I replied. "Thanks." Woods said. "Wait... this can't be right." Woods says. "What? Why?" I ask. "That's Syntec Location 3." Woods replies. "Didn't you go there already?" I ask. "Yeah, and we got trapped there." Woods replied. "Okay, so why would the phantom be hiding there?" I ask, confused. "I don't know, but we need to be careful." Woods says, clearly tensed.
As I pull up to Syntec Location 3, I have a feeling of anxiety. The last time I went somewhere like this, I ended up getting infected with serum. "You okay, Alex?" Woods asks. I must've been in a trance, so I quickly snapped out of it. "Huh? Yeah, I am. It's just, last time I went to a place like this there was a serum blast, so..." I say. "Yeah I completely understand what you're feeling." Woods says.
"Let's go." I say, getting out of the car. Woods follows. We began heading down these old, creaky stairs. "Damn it, we forgot bats." I say. "It's fine, we just need to keep going." Woods says. Once we open the door, Woods stops me before I let it close. "I came prepared." Woods said, holding out a door wedge. He placed it, and we continued through the location.
As we went through the location, everything was the same from when Woods and Sam explored the location. "There's nothing new here," I say. "There's gotta be something here, there's gotta be something!" Woods yells. "Woods, there's nothing here. We need to head back." I say as my vision turns red again. "There's gotta be something here." Woods replies. "There's nothing here, we need to head back!" I say. "This really is all your fault. You gave the phantom serum, and look where we are!" Woods says, turning around. "Matt and Mars are hurt, we're investigating a Syntec Location, and Sky's missing! Are you proud of yourself?!" Woods yells. "You're really gonna take his side? I thought you didn't pick sides, that you were only trying to make the team actually be a team. Is that not true?" I ask. "Yes, it is, but-" Woods says but I cut him off. "Then why are you picking fights with me?! We're trying to find a phantom and Sky! Let's focus on that!" I yell. Woods pushes past me angrily.
Once we begin driving back to the studio, I can tell that Woods is angry with me. "What's wrong, man?" I ask. "Nothing. It's just, there had to be something back there, right?" Woods said. "Listen. These phantoms, they wouldn't leave anything behind." I replied. "Yeah, you're probably right." Woods said. The rest of the drive was silent.
Once we arrive at the studio again, Matt and Mars aren't on the ground unconscious anymore. We rushed out of the car, thinking the worst. Once we get into the studio, we see everyone sitting down. "Damn it Mars, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Woods says, rushing over to Mars. I sit down with the rest of the team, hoping that they've found Sky. "Where's Sky?" I ask. "We don't know. Bailey and I have checked all of the bases, she isn't in any of them." Sam said, clearly worried. "We need to find her. And soon." Matt added. "Did you guys find anything?" Mars asked. "No, the phantom was hiding at Location 3, but was gone before Woods and I got there. We have no idea where he could've gone." I say. "He must have Sky." Sam says. "Yeah. We need to get Skyler back." I say.

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