Chapter 13

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We got on Appa to ride back to the others. I saw just how much damage they did during the invasion. I felt proud. Sokka then officially hugged me while on Appa and I was properly introduced to Toph. But that second of happiness was short, right behind us airships rose into the sky along with war balloons leading them. I was shocked at the immense sizes of the airships. It ended up feeling like the invasion barely made a dent.

We all watched in horror as Appa landed back onto the ground. I jumped down seeing Katara.

I hugged her tightly,"You have no idea how much I missed you,"

From behind Katara I saw my dad.

"Dad!" I said running over to hug him. I saw he was hurt so I hugged him softly.

"I'm so glad to see you're okay, Kya," He said as he placed his hand on my cheek, I nuzzled into it holding his hand.

"It was all a trap! Azula, knew we were coming and she plotted out every move!" Sokka said jumping off Appa,"We just gotta get to the beach as fast as we can. If we can get to the submarines maybe we can get away safely,"

"They've got air power but so do I," Aang said,"I'm gonna do what I can to slow them down."

"Appa, you and I can help, too!" Katara said.

I jumped onto Appa nodding at Katara in agreement as we followed Aang.  I grabbed my waterskin that Katara kept for me and jumped onto one of the air balloons to slice the one next to it. I free falled back onto Appa as we headed for the airships. We couldn't get close because of all the fire they shot at us. I took a big stream and tried shooting as many off their platforms as Katara blocked the fire.

"We can't keep them all back," Katara told Aang,"There's too many of them,"

"Let's join the others," Aang said.

We did our best to try and evacuate as quickly as possible.

"Try and find cover!" Sokka said as we landed,"I think we're about to see some bombs,"

Toph created a cover for us as bombs fell from the sky. I watched as the ships passed us heading for the harbor.

"Why aren't they turning around to attack us again?" Katara asked.

"They're planning to trap us here," I replied.

"They're headed to the beach," Aang added,"They're gonna destroy the submarines!"

"How are we all gonna escape?" Sokka asked sadly

"We're not," Dad said with Bato helping him.

"Then our only choice is to stand and fight. We have the Avatar and Kyas back. We can still win!" Sokka said.

"Yes, with the Avatar we could still win on another day, you kids have to leave. You have to escape on Appa together,"

"Dad, I just got you back," I said even thought I knew it wasn't going to make him change his mind.

"We can't leave you behind," Katara said,"We won't leave anyone behind!"

I watched knowing this was our only valid option. I felt like crying as my chest tightened and a knot grew in my throat. I just got to see Dad again, just to leave him behind.

"You're our only chance in the long run," Dad said,"You, Sokka, and Kya have to go with Aang, somewhere safe. It's the only way to keep hope alive," I placed a hand on Sokka's shoulder.

"The youngest of our group should go with you," Bato said,"The adults will stay behind and surrender. We'll be prisoners, but we'll all survive this battle,"

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