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Limping along the edge of a ditch, Vi seemed as if she'd fall unconscious at any moment. She was shaking in my grasp, and more blood was spilling from her wound. I hauled her up more and she winced. "Don't pick too much at it Vi. It will only hurt more, and we can't slow down anymore. Silcos goons aren't far behind, I'm sure. "

I said as I heard talking far but not too far away from us. And I grunted. "Whatever, just help me to the edge. " I helped her walk over and she disconnected from my grasp, but I still held my hands out warily. Caitlyn came up behind us as well, her gun in hand. "You are not jumping-" she jumped.

At first, it was fine, she had a sturdy grasp on the pole, but when she moves to the next, she banged her chin and fell to the ground, hitting another pole on the way. "Shit." I said, staring down as she rolled on the floor. I hopped down quickly, and a lot more carefully.

Caitlyn coming soon after. Little did we know, someone was watching from above, I could hear these voices from above and signaled everyone to stay quiet and downwind. I quickly ran over to Vi and grasped her stomach weakly. But a mumbling and eery voice, or voices, came from around us.

I looked up to see a dark alleyway, filled with tents and.. Deformed people.. I looked down again, it's never been that full, nor.. Horrible looking. "What is this place? " Caitlyn asked, and Vi responded. "It's the place where you topsiders don't wanna think about, wind up. "

Which was true. A man wincing caught our attention and we saw a man huddle out of the shadows and lend his hands out to us, begging for something, Caitlyn took her flashlight out and shined it on the man, but he cried and backed up like a startled bat. More wincing and she shined the light in the other direction. A man covered his face and backed into a tent. And another with glasses shielded his face from the light. I nudged her to turn the light off, we didn't want attention, nor to startle these people anymore. "It's never been this big though. " I added on to Vi's explanation.

I hauled Vi up around my shoulder again and limped towards the house in the center of the ditch, where the big neon sign was. Caitlyn opened the door for us and shined the flashlight around inside it as I helped Vi in the place. I placed her down gently on some planks and she squinted, looking around like she was seeing things or hallucinations.

I drawer her attention towards me and sat next to her, Caitlyn took out a cloth and tried to wipe her face off but, Vi flinched and blocked her. I sighed and took it instead. She let me do it though, I could see why she had certain trust issues, we all do, We under city people always did against topsiders, it was instinct. I wiped her face and gave the cloth back to Caitlyn.

Suddenly, Vi grunted and she seemed to be fading, my eyes widened, and held her face again, trying to make her stay awake. "Caitlyn, go find medicine, there's a specific stand in that alley that will help us. " I said in a rushed tone, and she nodded, pulling her hood up and walking out of the door quickly. I turned back to Vi and her eyelids drifted half-closed, "Vi, you need to stay awake for me. "

I said loudly so she could hear it and focus. She looked up at me and for a moment I saw fear in her eyes, I frowned and hugged her, she needed to stay awake, if Caitlyn could get these painkillers any faster.. Cmon..

I held Vi's cheek in my palm and kept her head straight up, thank god I heard footsteps and I turned around to see Caitlyn come back in with a bottle, "is that the medicine? " I asked, she nodded and handed it to me. I took it gratefully and called Vi, "Vi, stay in there, focus! " I said loudly again. I held her face up and tipped the liquids in her mouth, and forced her to swallow.

𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬. ( vi x f reader story. ) Where stories live. Discover now