10. High drivers

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"I know this might be upsetting and shit but that future prom queen is gonna be fineee."

Argyle was driving. You didn't know if it was safe to smoke and drive but here he was, doing seventy down the freeway. You didn't even dare look out the window, he was probably swerving through lanes like the maniac he was.

"I mean, it was just like rubber wheels man." Argyle continued.

"Plastic." Jonathan corrected. He was equally as high.

You, El, Mike and Will were all squeezed in the back. And you had to admit, it was a little awkward being shoved between the two boys.

No one was speaking, everyone seemed either tired or depressed. Well, mostly depressed.

On the other hand, Johnathan and Argyle were practically in another world.

"Not like hard plastic though." Jonathan continued, "Just... Just the soft kind."

"Totally.." Argyle agreed, nodding his head.

"Don't you ever wonder why the wheels aren't wood, man? Or metal?" Argyle turned to face his friend, "It's so people don't get hurt when they get shmacked."

"Oh." Jonathan nodded along as Argyle continued to blab.

"Hey, I mean at least it wasn't an ice skate." Jonathan randomly added.

"That nose would've been sliced clean off, man." Argyle yelled.

Jonathan yelled out, covering his nose as he imagined the pain.

"Could've been so much worse." Argyle laughed.

"So much worse..." Jonathan turned around to face the four of you. Yep, he was definitely stoned.

"In the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip." Jonathan continued.

"That's a funny word man."


"Blip. Blip."

"Blip. Blip... Blip Blip Blip Bl-Blip Bl-Blip."

"Yeah, that's definitely not annoying." You muttered to Will, making his bored face light up with a smile.

"I don't know how to stop it." Will admitted, "It is kind of funny though."

"This probably will stop it." You said, "Watch."

You leant forwards towards Jonathan and Argyle, "Can you put some other music on now?"

The blipping ceased and you turned to Will with a proud look on your face.

"Sure." Argyle said, turning stations.

Everybody Wants To Rule The World began to play on the radio and to your dismay Johnathan and Argyle began to blip along to that song as well.

"Well, this is brilliant isn't it." You sigh, collapsing back into your chair.

You thought it was a little weird that El and Mike weren't talking to each other but I guess Mike wanted to give her some sort of space.  But you knew if you were in Mike's position, you'd want to talk about it.

"El?" You got her attention this time, "Feeling any better?"

She simply shrugged, "I- I- Not really."

"It's just a blip." Jonathan repeated. "It's just a blip."

"For gods sake." Mike rolled his eyes at Johnathan and slid back down his chair.

The most awful thing was that you still had half an hour left of this journey. Great.

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