13. The Girl Problems

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After the film, you crept up the stairs to bed.

In fairness, you did more watching Johnathan trip out than watching the actual film, it was just more entertaining.

He did seem a little worried though, almost troubled. But then he'd just smoke more and put whatever was bothering him behind him.

Still, you eventually left him in the kitchen alone, you were too tired to stick around for long.

You didn't dare knock on Jane's door since she would surely be far too grumpy to want you sleeping with her.

So instead, you work up the courage to ask Will and Mike if there is space in their room.

You knocked once and Will opened the door. His face slightly fell at first but in the end he put on a smile.

"You okay?" You ask politely.

"Yeah, what's up?" He replied.

You could just make out Mike sat on Will's bed in the corner. He looked as if he was re-contemplating life.

"I don't really want to interrupt Jane. She seems upset." You declared, "So I was wondering if I could maybe sleep somewhere else?"

"Oh," Will gave you a nice smile, "Of course. I mean, mum wouldn't like you sleeping with us or Johnathan and Argyle so if you'd like you could sleep in the spare room."

"Hasn't Murray got the spare room?" Mike pointed out.

"Shall I just sleep on the downstairs sofa?" You asked, shrugging.

"Yeah.." Will said, "I promise we'll get you a nice bed for tomorrow."

"Eh, I'll be fine." You brush it off, feeling a little guilty how kind Will was being after you'd just rejected his D&D game, "What're you doing in here anyways?"

You try and push the door open but Will didn't quite let it open. It was as if he was keeping a secret.

"Will?" You remarked, surprised and confused.

"Oh erm.. sorry." Will flushed red as he fully opened the door to let you in.

The boys seemed to have just been chatting in Will's room because it looked practically normal besides the camping mattress that had been put out for Mike to sleep on.

You stayed with the boys until it was very late, chatting about complete nonsense and hearing stories from the good old days. Mike seemed a little out of it, probably because of El, but you tried your best to ignore it.

At around 1am, your eyes had started to droop. It was only Will awake at that point since Mike had drifted off. The two of you had been chatting about Johnathan and Argyle together, laughing every two words.

"Night Y/n." Will said as you shut the door behind you. His eyes lingered on Mike as he lay there before returning to yours, "See ya in the morning."

"You too Byers." You grinned, shutting the door behind you.

You snook through the hallway and carefully made your way down the staircase, careful to avoid all the creaky steps.

You were just about to turn on the kitchen lights when you heard a voice and smelt that familiar smell of... well... weed.

"You good, Y/n?"

Jonathan's voice scared you at first but it didn't really surprise you that he was still up.

"Yeah. You?" You asked in return.

"No.. not really." Jonathan burped, "Can I just have a chat to you real quick?"

You were confused. Why would Johnathan want to talk to you.

"It's about some girl stuff. Nancy." He clearly loved her, "I need to know what-" He burped again, "- to do about the... situation. And you're a girl so you're the best one to ask."

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