Part 13

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Scenes are going to be a little different and random.

Jacob's POV

I was frustrated and tired. I felt like I was constantly at Bella's beck and call, and yet, she refuses to acknowledge the obvious hatred between our tribe and the Cullens, though it was mostly all vampires that we despised. When Edward had left her, I was the one to bring her back to the person she was before the depression hit and yet, that no longer matters because he decided to stroll back into her life as if nothing happened.

It's funny, since the arrival of Hermione and Ginny, my focus hasn't been on Bella as much. Both girls provide us with a rare comfort that I had never really experienced, though it's more so Hermione who I feel radiates motherly love and care. Ginny is more like the sarcastic older sister who scares the shit out of everyone, yet they can't help but adore her.

So, of course, I was feeling pretty fucking angry and frustrated at the fact we had to leave them and their family, to meet up with none other than the Cullens. Bella had said that Victoria, who had been targeting Bella because Edward decided to kill her mate, has gathered a group of newborn vampires. We weren't sure what that had to do with us, but Bella insisted that we attend this so-called meeting, not that any of us were happy about it, of course.

We arrived at the edge of the forest, near a small road that no one ever drives down due to how deep it leads into the dark trees. We remained in our forms and I stood beside the wolf with a thick black coat... Sam. Due to Edwards's annoying ability to read minds, he's able to translate for us.

"I wouldn't call it annoying" Edward mumbled with his arms crossed over his chest. The others looked at him with slight confusion, but as I responded with a snort like sound, they dismissed any questions.

"Welcome, Jasper has experience with newborns. He can teach us how to defeat them" Carlisle announced, his tone as respectable and polite as normal. He and his wife, Esme,  had always been the only ones we could somewhat get along with, they tend to not hold such dislike for our kind. Though I wouldn't blame them, since we are natural-born enemies.

"How are these... Newborns different from you?" Sam snarled through the mind link. Edward repeated the question to his family, who were all quiet and tense whilst Carlisle does all the talking.

Whilst the conversation was going on, I observed Bella. Why was I seeing her so differently? From the way, her face scrunched up in disgust when looking at us and the longing in her eyes when the vampires were showing off their inhuman strength. It wasn't hard to see that she wanted to be a vampire, it's also not hard to see how different Edward is behaving around her. Now that I think about it, they're all keeping their distance from her... Maybe they fought before arriving?

I shook away my thoughts when Sam growled to gain my attention, Jared and Paul had already disappeared, leaving Sam and me, along with the Cullens.

"Hi, Jake" Bella called out with a wave. I let out a small snarl and turned around, walking away with Sam not far behind. We wandered further into the woods until we came to a certain spot where we keep a spare bag of clothing. We shifted and began to dress, everything was quiet until it was broken by none other than Sam.

"What was that?" I raised my head and realised he was talking to me. I frowned in confusion, along with Jared and Paul who were completely unaware of anything that happened.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You snarled at her" I hummed in acknowledgement. The truth is, I didn't know why I reacted that way, but it seems recently I've started to realise who the real Bella is, and honestly, I didn't like what I saw.

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